Page 149 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 149
I would definitely like to ay a big THANK YOU to Miss Mock for being such a dedicated, hardworking yearbook advi-
or. Mi Mock, we really could not have pulled off uch an excellent yearbook without you. To all of my yearbook staff
member I would like to ay thank you for all of your hard work and creativity in the production of thi yearbook. You guy
made thi journali m cla o much fun and I am o glad that you guy decided to take journalism thi year. You all really did
orne phenomenal work and I am o proud of each and every one of you. I would like to recognize Cory Capallia and Mike
William for their special hardwork as being Bu ine Manager and Creative Engineer. A yearbook editor, I tremendoU ly
enjoyed working with all of you and I am proud to ay that you guy are my "crop." To tudent here, thank you for buying
yearbook and participating in event that we got to capture in thi book. To the faculty and taff, 1 would al o like to extend
a thank you for all the pictures you ubmitted and the participation that we received from you. On behalf of the Yearbook
Staff, I would like to ay that we hope everyone u e thi book a a way to remini ce about this pa t chool year. I am hon-
ored to have been the Yearbook Editor-in- hief thi year and I will have to say that never in my life ha a deadline been o
scary. I really appreciate Mr . Dilmore, Mr . Bundy, Mrs. Heeke, and Mr . Keen for helping me get to where I am today. I
love you guys! I would al o like to thank my darling little si ter, Lindsey "Fred" Bigelow for alway being there for me. To
my be t friends Becky, Je e, and Vanes a, I love you guy and be t of luck in all your future plan . I would like to recognize
all my family that tolerated me all the e year and help me to be the per on I have become. I am ad to leave Fort White High
School but I have no regrets and will look back upon these year with a big smile. Goodbye you guy !