Page 151 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 151


                                                                It's not always easy to be a role model.
   Leader  hip Student

                                                                                 Mrs  Keen  hands  the  al\\ays  dependable
                                                                                 Whitney  B1gelo"'  money  for  Penn1es  for
                                                                                 Pat1ents  This  year,  the  school  rai  cd  just
                                                                                 under  2, 700  for  the  cause .

   Indian Mentors: Back row left to right: Trevares Holden, Bryan little, Ben Dou-
   glass, Kristen Combs, Cory Capallia, Jacob Prince, and Adrian Agudelo.
   Front row: Julian Campbell, Amber Tompkins, Clara Conley, Ashley
   Gonzales, Jessica Gayheart, and Michelle Agudelo.
   Front: Mike Williams

                                                                                 Fort \  h1te  H igh  chool 's  Leadership  tudent
                                                                                 dedicate  much  of the1r  time  and  energy  to
                                                                                 making  the  school  year  fun.  e ' citing.  and
                                                                                 uccessful  for  the  rest  of the  student  body.
                                                                                 Everything  from  pep  rall1e .  to  charitable
                                                                                 fundrai  ers  and  goofy  cafeteria  games
                                                                                 can  be  credi ted  to  the  creatne  m1nds  and
                                                                                 organizational  \\IZards  of the  leadership

                                                                                 I ndian  Mentor  sene  in  a  spec1al  role  at
                                                                                school   Each  high  . chool  student  i.  paired
                                                                                 up  \\lth  a  m1ddle  chool  student  to  mentor.
    \!I rs  Amber  Howa rd,  the  mentor  s ponsor,  is   Mrs.  Keen.  the  leadership  teacher.   The  h1gh  schoolers  eat  lunch  with  the
   ful l  of sc hoo l  s pi ri t  and  a  h ear t  for  a ll  of Fo rt   always  has  a  smile  ready.  no  matter   younger  students  once  a  week  to  gi' e  them
   Wh1te's  s t uden ts.                 what  her  busy  schedule  throws  at  her.   support ,  offer  ad\ 1ce,  and JUSt  be  a  fnend .

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