Page 154 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 154

Rtght:  The  Ht •h  School  Chotr  member'  -- (lnHn  had;
       left) Vane  'a Godo)  -\ndrea  Porter.  leah \\ane,, Amanda
       L:on.,, Batie)  Jdlne,, Beth  Ba.,.,ler.  lh  on Cole. Bethan:
        1arttnel. and  Lturen  umerhn  (not  pt<:tured)- get  read)
       for the Chri,tma' .:oncert.
       Belo\\   Eh1aheth  Cardmal  prepare'  to  \tng  a  \Oio  at
       Wtlllmbroo"- \\hile  the  the  ch01r JO)OL  I)  ha.:"-'  her  up.
       \1r  . John  on  take  the  choir to  the  a'  1  ted  h' ing  la.:tlit)
       e\ef)  )Car Ill entcrtam and 'i'll \\ith the rc,tdent\.

       Right.  Kry.,tal  Koon  and  Tiffany  Deideman  \hare  their
       talent'. \\llh the audtence at Willo\\brook.

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