Page 154 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 154
Rtght: The Ht •h School Chotr member' -- (lnHn had;
left) Vane 'a Godo) -\ndrea Porter. leah \\ane,, Amanda
L:on.,, Batie) Jdlne,, Beth Ba.,.,ler. lh on Cole. Bethan:
1arttnel. and Lturen umerhn (not pt<:tured)- get read)
for the Chri,tma' .:oncert.
Belo\\ Eh1aheth Cardmal prepare' to \tng a \Oio at
Wtlllmbroo"- \\hile the the ch01r JO)OL I) ha.:"-' her up.
\1r . John on take the choir to the a' 1 ted h' ing la.:tlit)
e\ef) )Car Ill entcrtam and 'i'll \\ith the rc,tdent\.
Right. Kry.,tal Koon and Tiffany Deideman \hare their
talent'. \\llh the audtence at Willo\\brook.