Page 150 - 2007 Tomahawk
P. 150


         Becky 'vlahony  ure _ ho\'.s great                                                   Rachel Regi  tcr and Wh1tnc)
         computer  kill  a   tudent B  dy                                                     Bigelow  how a  ·mile while
                                                                                             working on  Prom po  ter  .

                                       tudent Body Officer  from  bottom to top: Rachel Reg1ster- ergeant-
                                      at-Arm  , Jenna R1chard  on-Historian, Bnttany Ba.  -Treasurer, Amber
                                      Harrel- ecretary, Becky Mahony- 1ce  Pres1dent, and Wh1tney Big-
                                      elo\'.-Pre  1dent

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