Page 17 - 1961 LCJH Falcon
P. 17
J-oker--J rry 7-10
K-1 ver--Jo Anne Zedeker
L-ong--Andy Anderson -dorabl - irenda Hod
-on y-- Rosemary Oliver B-oy Crazy- L1 P m 11
-ut-- Peter L. C-ute-Becky Km
Omit umb- n 1 on,
P-erfect-- April mith E-bbi Bo d
Q-uiz--Davis orris F-at-Denni Cr ford
R-egister-- Martha G-irl Cr zy-D nny P r ll
man-- G or e Hunter H-ippie t- Jr. Pepp r Larry hid
Talkitive--Cindy Joye I-nnoc nt-Larry urphy, rilyn cDon ld
u- ly--R. T. J-oker- rry hide
Vain--all of us K-i d-Mr. Bolton
W-etty-- K. A. L-ittle- Denni t rlin
-id t- J ff Park r
-ice- us n Jon , Cathy Horn
As I look around me I ee: Danny Charle talkm to Geor O-dd-J rry Bar 1ck
Hunter, David orn doing his English, Jerry Rus el lookin P-atrolBoy-Larry rk huckr, 1 Et
at the all. Terry ander and Larry tarling yellin about uiet- Patty P rkin
orne girl. Catherine Rykard, April mith, Cindy and Joy R-omeo- Bobby rmans
doing their math home ork. The people not here today are -hort- Debby P rk r Roy T ylor
JoAnn and Jack. Jackie Trowell throwing paper in the T-h dd Couple-An y tt Ro ry Jon
trash. Melis a Hall talking to Debra Morton.
u- ly- David Rhode
V-icky Pok
-illiam, Dori
X- Ray VLion- Larry Gre n
7-8 Y-our truly- Ronny Bus h r
Z-ealous- bby 0 let e Randy Aid rm n
Cindy helton and John Milton are our parrows. They I, Br nda Hod es predict id Den rd 111 m rry m .
like to gossip. Preston Paschell is our hort Falcon. He likes I, Li a Mote predict that Jr. P pper ill b on th polic
a nice and clean place. Bobolink, Nel on tone, another force orne d y.
who likes a clean place and fresh air. Robert Little and I, Pam Wall predict Becky Kin ill b com M1 Americ
Bonnie Willcox are our two little Doves. The guide aid they I, B cky Km pred1ct omed y I ill lik JU t on boy.
were a perfect match. I, Ben Dixon predict that one day Denni Crawford will
Last i the Jellow Throat, Durelle Box. The uide aid he lo e wei n.
is very thin and likes fresh air. I, teve Cam ron can't pr diet I ha v to o e
A we look into the crystal ball ·e ee: Mr. Brownin .
1. Martha Durden predicts that Susan Durden will be pre • I, Ebbie Bond predict Wiley Hunter will marry me. Lucky
of the U.S. A. fellow.
Mikell Eubanks doesn't want to write 500 entences. I, Dennis Crawford predict Ronny Bu cher ill be th
Darlene Woods ays Patty Perkins will be pres. of J. H. S. Packer hero.
Pat ewcomb predicts no more patrols in 1970's. I, Danny Parnell predict that one day Ricky Youn ill ha v
Jimmy Moses predicts that Ronnie Kelly will be our new hort hair.
janitor. I, Larry Shide predict that next year Mr. Brownin will
Robert Little predicts that we will not have to go to school. nice. I aid ne t year.
Preston Paschall predicts that if they do he'll die right no • 'I, Jr. Pepper predict nothing my minds to full of other
Melody Boler predicts if Durell will be president in 10 years thin s.
things will be 0. I<. I, Larry Murphy predict on day 7-10 ill win a volley ball
Joy Hamm predicts that she will be an old maid. game.
Jay Cobia says Miss Hilderbrandt will get married. I, Marilyn McDonald predict that Dee Burnett will b Vice-
Nancy North predicts if they do he'll die. President of the U.S.
James McKeazie--too cloudy minded. I, Cecil Cray predict that David Rhodes ill ha v a girl
Valone Esing-- Mr. Bishop will die because of his nerves. friend.
Bob Drummond--Nothing
Walter Jackson--too lazy
John Milton- -Mr. Bishop is getting meaner
Mary Chappell predicts she'll be in 8th grade next year.
Ima Morton predicts if Mark M. wouldn't act so smart he
would be better off.
Cindy Shelton predicts Grady Howell McCall will drop dead
things would be nicer.
Roxanne Mata--too busy talking.
Craig Ask predicts he will be the next president.
Cecil Garrett predicts he will run against C. A.
Mary Helen Durrance predicts that Theresa Young will get
married m June.
Delvy D1cks- - He will be president of the U.S. A.
Ronnie Kmg predicts he will be the next principal of J. H. S.
Cookie Glenn predicts that 1f very many more people get on
this earth then it will be o heavy that it will fall into
space there fore we will not have to send anyone unless
they would like to go up but most of us don't.
elson Stone predicts that all chools will soon be closed.
Pan Cooly predicts that Gail Sheppard will be a wife of a
Gail Sheppard predicts that Pam Cooly will be the cutest
person on earth. THAT F EE AY t l:TS
Debra Burnett predicts that Mary Helen Durrance will be
married in the next even years. A H u M N R CE! II
Durelle Box predicts she will always be a tom boy.