Page 19 - 1961 LCJH Falcon
P. 19

born on J  nuary  23,  1  55.                             many
          I  mak   traight B's almo t  all th  tim  m  En  li h  and   mith,
        strai  t  '  in P. E.   ith   rs.  \  alker and  Mr  .  Richard  •
        I've been to  1la mi,  Ellisville,  Cro  Cny,  and   rry
         for  a  vi it  nh  orne of my  folk  .
          My  nam  1s  Prepa  G  i  r.  I am  13  y  r  old.   y  birthday
         i  April  .  I have 2  brothers and 2  si  ters.  1y  hobbies ar                                       r  •
         wimming,  racin  and ba  eball.  I  live on  eek  A v  .  I                                           lk or
        have never  been on the AB  honor roll.  I have a  lot of
         friends and  I  like to  keep  hou e.
          Vic  Herndon- I'm a  boy.  I'm 12  year  old.  I've never
        been on the  AB  honor  roll.  I'm a  bad  boy  orne  time  •                                             r  n
           y name is Helen Harri s.  I have lived  in  Lake  Cny about                                             nd
        7  months.   e  moved  from  Virginia  Beach,  Vir  ·nia.  I like
        Lake  City.  I am 12  years old.
          My  name is  Danna  Padilla.  I haven't made  the  AB honor
        roll yet.  I'm  12  years old.
        8- 1  WILL                                                 - 2 's  WILL
         andra  Ratliff-- My  tinking P. E.  locker to  Lisa   ote.   I,   anda  Thoma  ,   ill my   y  Book (Fift  en) to  Cathi
        Melissa  Lee--To Helen Harris I will  "Glenn".             aldron;  I,  Angie  Denmark,  will  my dirty old
        Charles Coats-- To  Rodney  Everest  my homeroom  ection.   to Cathy Ander on;  I,  haron  immons,   ill  my   oe  for
        Phil Allen-- My  old  tennis  hoe  to  Mike  everance and   P. E.  to  Laura  Rykard;  I,  Elain  F  r  u  on,   ill my hei  t  to
          Rus  el Waters.                                         Anita  Kuyp  rs;  I,  Jerry  L  ckett,   ill my dirty  ym  o  k  to
        Larry  Chambliss-- To any and  all  eventh graders  I  ill all   Jungle Jim;  I,  Claudett   el on,   ill my  ', ',  bo  k  to
          my teachers,  and  may they all have trouble,  bad  grade   Robin  orris;  I,  John  P  1 r,  will my books  to   ry'  lamb;
          and paddlings (the  eventh graders).                    I,  kipp  r R ed,  will all of my  book  to  nybody;  I,  Terri
        John  Flanagan--All  the  7th grade  student  to the  th  grade   William on,   ill my height  to J  cki   denb  ugh;  I,
          teachers.                                               Amelia Adam  ,  will  my  l  k  r  with  no handle  to  B  verly
        Teresa  Wallace  will my desk in homeroom  to  a  7th  grader.   Woods;  I,  Geraldine  Witt,   ill  my gym  uit  to  Durel  B x;
        Lynn  Yancey-- My  desk in Mrs.  R gister's room  o  that a   I,  Kaye  Williams,   ill my  ock  to B cky  Km  ;  I,  Carolyn
          7th grader will have  more  room  to  write on it.      Davi on,  will  my old,  u  d,  crummy  1  enex to Jani  La  ;
        Carol  Dreek will all my teachers to  Patty Evans.        I,  Deni   Waldron,  w1ll  my h  ight  to Janice  Mo   ;  I,
        John  orensen-- I will a  smelly old  rusted  locker numb  r  69   Debbie Carr,  will  my  ood  lo  ker  without a  knob to  andy
          to a  dear sweet  7th grader.  P.  •  You  get the  gym  clothes   Brist  ;  I,  Carletha  Williams,   ill  my   od  brains and  ll
          too if you are  lucky.                                  of my best  luck to  Pam Cooley;  I,  G  nnie   d,  will  my
        Martha  Hackney-- I leave Janis  Moses all my bobby pins  for   old purple dirty  wig to Pat  Ma  on;  I,  cott   ill  ,   ill my
          her hair.  To  Mary Helen Smith I leave her a  bottle of   gym short  to  Lady  Gadiva.
          shampoo.  To Beth  Rountree  I  leave her all that  i  left of my
          sound  mind.
        Jerry Creamer-- I will Gerard  Jones  my height and  I will all   - 3
          the other seventh  orne thing they don't need.
        Suzanne  Wilmott-- I will my long fingernails  to Mary  Helen
          Smith.  My  therablem to  Karen Atwood  and  some  of my   Mike  Walker-- I will my  oe  to Henry Gei  r.
          natural curl to Beth  Rountree.                           eal Alford-- I will my p  nts  to Don  Fulford.
         Wanda  Langstan--all my hard  word  and  hard  time  to  Lisa   ophus  pradley- - I will my dirty  ocks  to Joe  Geig  r.
          Motes.                                                   Vicki  Marlowe-- I  ill my  jacket to Gail Re  ·  ter.
         Sherrie  Pettigrew--all my  long hair,  turkey  feathers,  dunga-  John  Goff--I will my empty can of Right  Guard  to Mik
          rees and  my  Indian moccasins to Sharon Hall of not  o   Ellis.
          ound  mind.                                              Randy  Depratter-- I will my  old  cientific brain to  Pre  ton
         Laura  Ruth  Norris- - all my science notebook which caused  me   Pa  chall.
                                                                  Oscar  Mendez- - My  chewing gum  under  my de k to Johnny
                                                                  Janice  Pitts-- My  dirty  ock  to  Debra  L e.
                                                                  Glen Riddle- -! will my beagle dog,  Rowdy,  to  teve  Bland.
                                                                  Greg Harris-- My  shoes  to  Gae  G  iger.
                                                                   Linda  Hadden-- My  p  r onality  to  Kathy  Rod  er.
                                                                   Pam  Norris--My  fal   hair to Micky  Mill .
                                                                   Rodney  Little-- My  P.  E.  locker to  Bobby  Little.
                                                                   Thomas Rin  -- My  can of Ban  to  Bev Johnson.
                                                                   Scott Blocker-- My  braces to Cb.uck  Alli on.
                                                                   Mary  Ellen Tice-- A  pllflch  in the  no  e  to Dou  la  Ro  er .
                                                                   Rhoda  Moore-- My  twin to JoAnn Z  d  ker.
                                                                   Marzelle Tompkins-- My  u  d  chew in  gum  to Jani  Mo
                                                                   Robin  tte  Weaver-- My  notebook paper  to  Melinda  e  mith.
                                                                    ue  carter--My  notebook to Anita  Kyper  .
                                                                   Chuck Stewart-- My  ilver teeth to  Leba  Hilliard.
                                                                   Cecil Moseby-- My  Redman chew in  tobacco to  Leba  Hill-
                                                                   Jeannie Davis-- My  beautiful hazel ey   to Jo  Gei  r.
                                                                   Edd1e  Haskin -- My  toothbru h  to Prepa  Gei  er.
                                                                   George  Higginbotham--My  beautiful body  to  Melody Bole  ,
                                                                    my cousin.
                                                                   Cecil Mosby--! will my  pit ball  to Jim  Havard.
                                                                   Chuck  Stewart--I will my left  sock to  Henry  Lomey.
                 l        J                                        Pat  Brown-- My  beauty to Sharon Brown.
                                                                   Sandy  Bryant-- My  eyeball to  ancy  Shipp.
                                                                   Betsy  Thompson ·- To Karen  Atwood,  my  boy  troubles.
                                                                   Judy McCormick- -To Susie  Phillip  ,  my  ood   ade •
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