Page 18 - 1961 LCJH Falcon
P. 18
I, Denni tarlin predict that Ronny B. will graduate rom
coll e.
I, Jeff P rker predict that I will be tall orne day.
I, Susan Jone pr diet that John Moore ill be President.
I, Cathy Horn predict Tom Hagood ill b gr at orne day.
I, Jerry Barwick predict that our h. r. will om day hav a
I, Larry La hly predict that I will be a great cholar.
I, rk mucker predict that Dennis tarlin ill et a
little big r.
I, Dou Est predict that Ebbie Bond will be fat one day.
I, Patty P rkin predict that Danny Parnell will top likeing
I, Bobby Sirmons predict that my mind is go in to be foggy.
I, Debby Parker predict that one day J rry B. will make the
A- B honor roll.
I, Ronny Bu cher predict that I will one day make ood
I, Larry Schide can not predict.
I, An la Boy tte predict that the teachers will get a pay
rai .
I, Ro emary Jones ha v nothin to predict.
I, D vid Rhode predict that Brenda H. will win a beauty
pa nt.
7- 1
I, Gail Register predict Kenny McConkey will be smart
Our homeroom is 7-11, and our teacher is Mrs. Ogden. all his life.
During the econd week of chool we choo e our homeroom My name is Voncile Creamer. I am 13 years old. My
officers. We lected Bobby Brantly as president, andra two favorite subjects are Math and Social tudies. My two
Brist as Vice- President, and heila Jenkins a ecretary- favorite teachers are Mrs. Ut ey and Miss Darus.
trea ure. Diana Hi by is our Blab reporter and Laura Pitman My name is Ronnie Crews. I am 14 years of age and like to
i our Student Council pre entative. go hunting.
Our homeroom won two dollars at a P. T. A. meeting in the My name is Kathy Anderson. I have never made a honor;
beginning of the year. We hope to win orne more money but I am trying to.
during the magazine ale. If we do win orne more money My name is Leo Brady and I am 14 years old and in 7-12
we have hopes of oin to the Taste Freeze. homeroom.
We had two cience Fair winners from our homeroom. They Teressa Fancher- Die tonight, went down in math!
were andra Bristo and Laura Pitman. "Finished!" I made the AB honor roll last time but that C
Flash! 1 Henry Gie er fell asleep in homeroom for the fourth in Math means G-0-N-E.
time. Congratulation Henry. A new world record. Henry Dicks- Age 13 - Mrs. Darus took Mrs. Brown's
The magazine ale i coming up oon and we are ready for place in S. S.
it at 7-11. Our magazine chairmen are Wendie Kuhn and My name is Pam Fain. I'm 13 years old and have Mrs.
andra Bristo . We've heard there is a prize and we are try- Utsey for homeroom.
ing to t it. In our homeroom we have two teams; the I made the AB honor roll last 6 weeks but I didn't make it
boy and th ir captain, Mark Adkins and the girls and their this time. I have lived in Lake City about 5 months.
captain, Wendie Kuhn. The two teams will compete against My name is Johnnie Jones III. I live on 1117 Fairview
each other and against the other homerooms too. Street. I have one brother. He lives there too. I play with
Here are all the tudents in our homeroom: GIRLS: andra the 7-12 volley ball.
Brist , Sharon Hall, Dtana Higby, Paula Martin, Elmira Betty Lucas - 12 years old - I was born in Lake City and I
Cray, Patricia Hood, Sheila Jenkins, baron Mikell, Laura have lived here all my life. I have missed being on the
Pitman, Tina Roberts, Judy Roberts, Sherry Stalvey, Kathy honor roll 2 times by getting a C in Social Studies.
Waldron, Beverly Waters, Paula Jackell. BOY : Mark Ad- My name IS Gail Register. I have brown hair. I am not tall
kins, Bobby Brantly, Woody Capell, Adolphus Charles, and not short.
Chris Crane, Mark Duncah, John Freeburn, Henry Gieger, My name is Martha O'Steen. I am 14 years old. I have liv-
Larry Goss, Kenneth McClain, Tim McCray, Mike Mill , ed in Lake City for 3 years. I like Lake City Jr. High very
Frank Moore, Randy cofield, Howell tuart, teve Thomp- much and I like Mr. Browning and Mr. Williams.
son, Tim Whim , Ronald Witt and Johnny Williams.
My name is Teddy Norris. I am 13 years old. I live at
955 E. Dade St. I have 2 brothers. They are Ronnie and
7-12 NEWS AND PREDICTIONS Mike. I live with my parents. I have 2 dogs and a bird. Our
house is not to big but 1t will do till we move to the country.
I, Teresa Fancher predict 7-12 will really try in the maga- My name is Clarence Tony. I live m a house with a roof
zine drive. on top of it.
Betty Jo Fowler- I am 14 years old and I've gotten traight My name 1s Gerald Johns. I am captain of our homeroom
B's across my report card in English from Mrs. Ogden. And for the magazine drive.
I also nearly have straight s's in P. E. My name is Billy Kuhn. My homeroom section is 7-12. I
My name is Willie Woods. I have black hair. I'm not tall live on 100A. I am 14 years old. I will be 15 in June. I
but neither real hort. I like to go horse back riding. I also help Mr. Browning as a school patrol. I watch out for the
love to mess around with all orts of animals. I don't like to people who break the school rules. Mr. Browning and Mr.
tay at home much. Williams are good principals for Jumor High.
My name is Linda Loy and I am in the 7th grade. I am 12 Debra Lee - I am 10 years of age. I do not belong to any
years old. I live m Lulu. clubs. I was born in Lake City, on August 9, 1956. I have
My name IS Scotty Markham and I am 12 years old. lived in Lake City most of my life. I have never failed a
have been on the A- B honor roll twice. I am on a baseball grade. This IS the second time I've made the honor roll.
team and the name of the team is Lake City Laundry. My name is Douglas Rogers. I'm 13. I like sports uch as
I, Kenny McConkey predict John Morse will become pre- football, baseball, etc. I hate school.
sident of Funk and Wagnall. My name is John Windham. I am 13. I am in the 4- H
I, Betty Jo Fowler predict Mike Frampton and I will go Club. I've made the honor roll.
back to ether. My name IS Betty Jo Fowler. I'm 14 years old and was