Page 24 - 1961 LCJH Falcon
P. 24
brook, ill my boy friend to Florence Hu ·ns; I, Ir n
Sh till let him u her al br and French book . Ro er
bb now wei 300 pou nd is 6' ·• 0 ! I Freddie Cl yton, ill my dirty penny to ere allace; I, Kathy
orri , R: vi H dly a d rry Stone have a mall trailer Clayton, ill my pair of dirty underwear to Tere allac
and travel. I e arilyn Morrell ov r in the corner t lkin I, argaret Hood, will my brain to who ever n ed n; I,
to mark Ficken and Rudy Crew . Joe orn 1 till mad at me Becky Thomas, will my hoes to Cindy Albrittan; I, Lynn
for puttin hi name in pap r e h d to rite. Gu ho Gambles, ·ill my en e to Vick Hernden; I, Jenny Youn ,
just cam in on hi hands. You're right, Mr. Grantham no ill my gym hoes to Tootsie «ight; I, Sherry Aken, m
i 6'4" and weigh 130 pound • H ha a beard that he ha n't too poor to will anythin ; I, Kathy Waters, ill my hoe
hav d in 20 year . H1 occupation is walking on his hand . ize to Brant Stevens; I, Connie Lumpkin, will my gym
H is till walkin and want come down for anyone. hoe trin s to, Lovie Davis; I, Carol Kimmick, am too
poor to ill anythin ; I, artha Will, will my algebra book
-8 to Donna Markham; I, Richard Philpot, will my coon dogs
to Karry Ha ler; I, Rocky Pitts, will my ock to ]ani Mo
A I look around me: I ee Janet Burned talking to Claire I, Paul Morrell, will a can of beer to my sister; I, Bob
Davis like u ual. Don Pa chall and Herbert Park r are talk- Gerrard, am too poor to ill anything; I, Bard Gale, ill
in about their will and Mrs. McDuffie ay hut up all of my u ed notebook paper to who need it; I, Glenn Hunter,
you. David D ugla i readily working on hi homework. am too poor to will anything.
Carl Demp ey is arguing the point that omeone is the author
of a book. Tommy Blackmon ju t its there looking around -11
ov r in th corn r. Jane Morris 1 yellin not to put anything ancy Roberts-- I leave my weird hirt to Rodney L.
on the black board about her. Randy ims just sit there Jewell Bryant--My good hoe to Angela B.
chewin on hi urn. Eric P ter on just its there dmirin Robin Blackwell-- Lousy grades in Algebra to my sister.
the floor. Micky Buchanan i taking everyone' la twill and PhilipP ttibone--Leave my heavenly body to Mr. Cohen o
te timony. Patricia By or it there thinkin a bout Bob who he can take hi anger out me with hi little red paddel.
is waitin out ide for her. Steven Dicks ju t its there. James Tex Gillen-- I leave my gym uit to Perri C.
Dutton and Ronni Brannon come up and· ee how many peo- Joe Witt--1 leave all my book and trouble and fun tO Del-
ple want more planks. Ru ell ew on is starring at Mrs. vey D.
cDuffi a in. ara Parn 11 i reading her magazine book George Mabry-- I will 3 years of exerci es and laps at p. e. to
and then Mr . McDuffie ay h is oing to name our home- Mr. Fisher.
room t am McDuffie' mouth . This is becau e they areal- Danell Pittman--I will all my brains tO Allen Smtth.
ay talkin . Allen Crew a d Walter Parnell are both con- Mike Richards-- I will all my troubles from Mr. B. to Billy
ntratin on omethin • B. J. Parri hi 1 lookin at Claire. aul .
bbi Plymale i out ide workin . The following people Mike Lee--I will my football No. 8 to Becky King.
are not her . Marilyn Koon, lma Bennett, Gayla Keen, Sylvia Lashley--I will my gym suit to little brother, Larry.
Dian P ter , Donna R i ter, Dudley Mathews, OH! I By Massy Robert --I will all my skill to Brenda Hedges and id
the way Greg Fain 1 ittin atin his pencil on his de k Dennard.
and Joan Floyd i reading of cour . Pat Henderson--! will all my algebra notes to Arnette Sova.
Ken Kilgore-- I will a 11 my troubles to my little brother.
- 9 Jan Howard-- I do will my freckles to Dray Summers.
Leanne Brown-- I do will my football jer ey to Cindy Al-
el on Bedenbaugh i the noi e maker. briton.
Alton Christie i the quiet man. Dorman Clayton-- I will my bike to Gary Rus .
David Espen hip i playboy. Kim Hammond-- I will all my freckles to Elaine Fergerson.
Ro er Germani he big mouth. Patti Drew-- I will my notebook and gym suit to Steve
Richard Griffin is the pani h teacher. Allis.on.
Charle Houston is the principal. Dusty Markham--! will my football cleats to Landgdon Curby.
Danny Jordan is the mean man. This as a very good year for our homeroom in school acti-
nnis Hyde is the good guy. vities. Our h. r. was active in fields such as ports, drama
helton Keen is the bad guy. club, FHA and FFA chapters, also Band.
Billy Roberts is the Albebra teacher. SPORTS: Football--Mike Lee, Allen Norton, Steve Bishop,
Gerald auls is the General Math teacher. Dusty Markham, Darman Clayton and Ma y Roberts; Basket-
Thomas Tompkins is the Civic teacher. ball-- Mike Lee and Allen Norton; Cheerleaders--Jan Howard.
Donald Watts i the hot rod man.
FFA-- Massy Roberts, Dusty Markham, Joe Witt and Mike
BAND--Bob McKonky
DRAMA CLUB--Pat Henderson and George Mabry
Faye Dawson-- I will my yellow rubber band to David FHA-- Jan Abarvard, Lean Brown, Kim Hammond, Gretchen
E penship. Bailey, Mary Ann Drive, Patty Drew, Robin Blackwell, Rose
Barbara Fleming--! will my white hair ribbon to Mr. Shook. Zauner, Rinitha Atkinson, Fay Wall, Pat Henderson, Sylvia
Jennifer Markham-- I will my dog to Danny Ward. Lashley, Jule Briant and Peggy Moreshead.
Barbara Bridges--! will my tiger to Tommy Whigham. NEW STUDENT--Tex Gillian
Richard Griffin-- I will my itchy elbow to Mrs. McDuffie.
teve Whitaker--I will my pocket knife to Roger German. STUDENTS-- Phillip Petnbone, Nancy Roberts, Darrell Pitt-
man and Greg Fergeson
Wayn McDonald-- I will my watch to my cat. Top lo/o percent in State wide test--George Mabry
Tommy Tompkins--! will my F grader to Mrs. Bedenbaugh. And of course that great teacher Miss Hilderbrant ...••
David E pen hip-- I will my troubles to Mrs. McDuffie.
Billy Roberts-- Wills his bubble gum under his desk to Mrs.
Koestline. WANTED~
Mr . Koestline--wills her 5th period the worlds most repulsive
teve orman-- Wills his cranium to Mis Prather.
Dennis Hyde-- Wills his candy wrappers to Mrs. Koestline. :TOHN DOE; PLEA E
~ CON ACT M s. DoE
I, Jani Pickren, will my pair of purple ocks to Anita K; I,
ora Cox, ill my dirty gym suit to Lynn Yancey; I, Carol
Cook, · ill my al ebra book to Vick Herndon; I, Dot y Ro- <,.~: E L- 4~0 -qq 38
bert , will my last year tooth bru h to Cissy Witt; I, Loi
Gibb , will my al bta·te t to Sherry Gibb ; I, Pam Hal-