Page 23 - 1961 LCJH Falcon
P. 23
-3 EW I, vin , h r by 111 m n h t n to 1 ty
Fla h. \ e mterrupt this magazm to bnng you a peci 1
ne s bulletin. The first Lake Cny Bank ~a robbed on arch -6
21, 1 9. It "as about 11:00 a.m. wh n in alked t omen
a d one woman vHth machine un . Th men · r 1dentifi d
a Randy \ ater and Darrell ummers, the ~oman a ldenu-
fied as Katnna Edenfield.
They robbed each other of th teller boxe and ot away
ith 30, 000. The teller ere Kay Dennard, baron Dun-
can, Lmda oore and Carol Coker. On of fie r, D 11 G 1 r,
tried to top them but didn't ucceed. ater ent mto h
pr sident · office and brought him out to u a ho t .
He ras Louis enendez. Another ho ta ~as Glenda \ 111-
iams. Witn s~e on the cene were Dian Bozzito, Lynn
Jones, Robbin Kelley, M ry Franc s utton, B linda Cl -
mons, Jan Markham, James Robinson and ichael Po rch.
Officers on the cene ' er Glen Markham, David Ba ett
and Leonard Harrington. Lt. Ferrell Fea le as m char of
the investigation and V1ce- Pres. T1m o e helped by
givin as much mformation a po ible, hich a n't much.
One of the teller , D bbie arkham, tri d to push an
alarm but ot hot in the arm.
Waters, ummers and Edenfield got a ay to the neare t
town ·hich as Lulu. They were captured h n they topped
for gas. Capt. Finlay on and his deputies David Ru ell,
James Me air, teve ' wson made the arrest. Three by-
standers m Lulu, were shot but not hur badly. They wer
Katy ix, Kay aunders, T1m Geibeig. T o more officers
arrived to take care of Edenfield. These were Patty urphy
and Beverly Morgan.
Our H. R. always starts off with a BA G! " hut up o I can
call the roll! A few people like Chris Lamb, Lynn Jack on in,
and Yvonne Douglass tudy but most of the others talk. One nd not know
of the main gossip groups are Linda Copeland, Cindy Hilty,
Kathy Bate and Linda Hatcher. The other roup that we
couldn't possible leave out is Donald Go sand Lmda ill-
iams on the ubject of "Ann or Danny!
The main past time for the boy m the class is che .
Usually with Kevin 0' 'eall inning. Other play uch as-
John Karns, Billy Cox, Curtis Chancy, Bob Webster and
Steve Register. Peter teffen and Eugene Royals usually
.ell the others how to play!
Our ears are always hearing argument between Pat or-
~an, Cindy Phillips, and Shela Jack ton or the port news
ts told by Donald Daughtry. Rus~ell Will on and Crai \ ol-
ord find the ceiling very interesting for they're always
taring at it!
There are of course, orne funny times brought to us by
Ray Williamson. The best two are the times he fell out of
his chair and when he got ink all over his mouth. Al o our
h. r. contains a few smart people. Steve Watkins and John
Morse are always having intellegent conversations.
I, Joe Ellis, leave my flower hat to Mr. Cohen.
I, Louis D1cks, leave my Gibson Guitar to helton Williams.
I, Johnny Cox, leave my motorcycle to the Honda racing
team for further experimentation.
I, Rose Evans, will Mr. Cohen the honorable name Mi s
Holly Ann Steward.
I, Douglas Keaton, will 15 bars of oap to the Physical Ed .
I, Steve Long, will my filthy feet on the seat of Mr. Co-
hens pants.
I, Janes Evans, will all the problems, humiliations and im-
pending doom to some unsuspecting seventh or eighth
I, Jerry Redden , leave my little white put- p\U to Jon Howard. ~ l
I, Terry Waters, will Mr. Cohen my sister for a year.
I, Katie Jackson, leave my math book to Emma Jean Bur- ' I
nett. M ir:Jt yOV S~OUL
I, Maxine Jones, will my right tennis shoe to Miss Pearson.
I, Cynthia Lakes, will my science book to Coach Honey-
cutt. HAVE OPE EO lT'?''
I, Steve Ray , leave Mr. Cohen my hoe string.
- 23-