Page 210 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 210

Some Stuff I Wrote and Some Stuff I Didn't (2011) H. Morris Williams

              MASON HIGH SCHOOL

              10 YEARS IN RETROSPECT:  1924-1934

              Mason School, established in  1924, is a consolidation of old Mt.

              Tabor, Live Oak, Ellisville, DeSoto and Avery schools.

              Ten years ago it was nearing the close o f its first term with eight

              grades  and  five  teachers.  At  that  time  there  was  no  Home

              Economics  Building;  the  main  building  did  not  have  the  two

              wings at the back; and the auditorium had not yet been enlarged.

              In  its  fifth  year  (1928-29)  the  school  became  a  senior  high

              school and was accredited by the State as standard. By that time
              had been added the southwest wing, the auditorium enlargement,

              and  the  Home  Economics  Building.  Classes  in  Vocational

              Agriculture  and  Home  Economics  had  been  organized.

              Basketball  was  beginning  to  be  the  center  of  interest  on  the


              This  year  marks  the  beginning  of  the  second  decade  in  the

              history  of Mason  School.  The  second  ten  year  period  had  a

              promising beginning,  as regards the growth of the  school plant,

              with the addition of the northwest wing to the main building last

              Although comparatively young, the way in which the school has

              become  established  in  the  very  life  of  the  community  is  a

               favorable  indication of future growth and development for both
              the school itself and the community.

                      LCH-UUID: 644B81FB-81A1-47B2-8D77-49DC2A1A0BE8
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