Page 207 - some-stuff-i-wrote-and-some-stuff-i-didn't-(2011)-h-morris-williams
P. 207

Some Stuff I Wrote and Some Stuff I Didn't (2011) H. Morris Williams

              I remember going barefoot to school in the summer, having sore eyes,
              and being afraid I would catch the 7-year itch.

              I  remember  having  assembly  programs  from  first  grade  through  12

              grade.  Each  teacher  would  take  turns  preparing  the  program.  I  can
              remember memorizing  a poem to  say  in  assembly when I was  in  first

              grade.  My mother had me to wear my best dress,  a pink organdy with
              ruffles on it, for that special day.

              On through the years  I  remember singing  with my  class,  piano  solos,
              skits, school plays, debates and glee club performances.

              We  started  each  day  with  reading  the  Bible  and  praying  the  Lord’s

              My  7th and  8th grade teacher,  Mr.  Earl Rumph,  made  a change  in the
              usual morning Bible reading and prayer.

              The first day he wrote these words on the blackboard. “Let the words of
              my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in they sight,

              O Lord my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalms 19:14.
               He asked us to memorize these words and use them as our prayer. From

              that day until now when I read, hear or pray that prayer, I think of my
              teacher, Mr. Rumph.

              Mr. Roy Dicks, Sr. was a special inspiration to me in 9th grade. He made
              English and Literature classes so interesting! He picked some stories and
              poems to read aloud to the class. He could read with so much expression

              until he kept the class spellbound.

              Mr.  Dicks believed everyone should have the ability to write well.  On

              two  days  a week we  had  classes  in writing.  He  made  us  use  the  old-
              fashioned pen staff and a bottle of ink.

              Elva  Jeanne  McCormick,  my  home  economics  teacher,  helped  me  to
              understand the role of a homemaker. She always wanted us to remember

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