Page 210 - lake-city-florida-a-sesquicentennial-tribute-(h-morris-williams-kevin-mccarthy)-2009
P. 210
Lake City, Florida: A Sesquicentennial Tribute (2009) H. Morris Williams, Dr. Kevin M. McCarthy
Korean Conflict
The Korean Conflict, which lasted from 1950 to 1955, saw a
number of Columbia Countians serving, including five who died in
service to their country: Carlis J. Callahan, Alvin Lofton, Arlys I.
Roberts, William Bonner Slade, and Stanford Ware. As noted
on the back of the granite memorial (pictured below) in the downtown
Olustee Park, the monument was dedicated in 1985 by American
Legion posts 57 and 322, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 020,
Fleet Reserve Association (a nonprofit organization comprised of
enlisted personnel [active duty, reserve, and retired] of the US Navy,
Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) Branch 220, and Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 2206.
Lions Club Pool
As part of its post-World War II efforts to make life even
better for local residents, officials in 1956 opened the Lions’ Club
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