Page 247 - compilation-containing-the-charter-and-revised-ordinances-of-the-city-of-lake-city-florida-(1912)-gillen-and-hodges
P. 247

Charter and Revised Ordinances of Lake City Florida (1912) Gillen & Hodges
               reconsider be lost, it shall not be renewed without
               the unanimous consent of the Council; and no                       244/257
               decision shall be a second time reconsidered with­
               out a like leave.
                   Rule 15. In all cases of entries of resolutions,
               ordinances and motions in the minutes, the name
               of the mover shall accompany the same.
                   Rule. 16. No member shall absent himself
               from the meeting before adjournment for more
               than ten minutes at a time without leave of the
               presiding officer.
                   Rule 17. In all cases involving points of par-
               limentarv law, Jefferson’s Manual shall be the
               book of reference, and its rules, so far as they are
               applicable, shall be the rules of the Council.
                   Rule 18. It shall be the duty of all committees
               to report on every subject referred to them at the
               next regular meeting following such reference,
               provided the Council may direct a report to be
               made to an intervening adjourned meeting. If
               any committee fail to report on any matter, as
               required, they may be relieved of further consider­
               ation of such matter, and it be otherwise disposed
               of by the Council.
                   Rule 19. Upon every matter referred to a
               committee, such committee, or a majority thereof,
               shall meet for inquiry or deliberation, and no re­
               port of or concerning such matter shall be made,
               unless a majority of the committee shall have act­
               ually examined or concurred in the same.

                   Rule 20. The standing committee shall, as
              far as practicable, have regular meetings for the
               transaction of committee business, of which meet­

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