Page 14 - vera-kilgore-heilig-her-poetry-lives-(2017)-h-morris-williams-and-marie-law-haire
P. 14

Vera Kilgore Heilig: Her Poetry Lives (2017) H. Morris Williams, Marie Law Haire


            The day you went away from me I died.

            Not outwardly for all to see. Inside.
            And yet the blood within my veins flows on;

            My lungs breathe in and out and with each dawn
            I wake with trilling birdsongs in my ear

            And wonder that nobody else can hear
            The muffled dirge my muted heart-beats play.

            It is another day, another day.

            Foresight Is Better Than Hindsight

            When in stretch pants milady goes
            Do you suppose she really knows

            Just what she looks like from behind?

            Can she be rear-view-mirror-blind?
            Or is it possible that she

            Forgets her figure is three-D?

            It Could Be Done But It Wouldn’t Be Fun

            I think that I could live within
            My earnings

            If I could learn to live below

            My yearnings.

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