Page 15 - vera-kilgore-heilig-her-poetry-lives-(2017)-h-morris-williams-and-marie-law-haire
P. 15

Vera Kilgore Heilig: Her Poetry Lives (2017) H. Morris Williams, Marie Law Haire

            Gnarled Heart

            Oh surely, surely my heart must be

            As gnarled and bent as the twisted tree
            Whose branches writhe between sky and hill,

            Whose roots hang on with a bulldog will
            To the hard brown earth it stands upon—

            Stark and alone in the chill grey dawn.
            But the twisted tree is a lovely thing

            When the buds break through as sure as Spring.

            And seeing the tree fight up from the sod
            I will lift my tortured heart to God.

            And surely, surely my heart will be
            As strong and sure as the twisted tree.

            I Do Not Like Thee Mr. Bell

            When he dreamed up the telephone

            Mr. Bell could not have known

            There are times my phone will ring:
            When I’m taking a nap, or a bath, or when

            I’ve gone to another room, and then
            Stop short before I can get to it

            So only a buzz is coming through it.
            He couldn’t know this sort of thing,

            So I will not consign to Hell

            The well-intentioned Mr. Bell.

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