Page 67 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 67
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[h !Rtutst~rtul i\ssnrtatt u
The ~Iini terial .\-.. < riation i an or)!anitation \\ ithin the college lO!llpo..,ed ot uch
per on a tlw name \\ ould indicate. ',d led in to u e at th· earl~ da~ ot 'olumhia
it ha demon. trated the \\1 dom ot the idea '' hich introduced it here. 'h ri tian
' orler hould he ,t-- < riated and organized one ot the :dutar) IT ult are unit) ot
purpo. e, kno\\ ledge ot the late t and mo t apprm ed nwthod ..... l!reater efl1cienc~ and
piritualit}, and genuine ) mpath). intere t and lm {' one for the other.
'I he mm1 terial . tudent ha\'e this ~ear broadened and detined the toundation of
their \\ ork omewhat, prm idinl! for an ... oriate \Iemher hip for tudent not lilen ed
or ordained to the mini tn and electinl! member of honor. Here it
tingui hed name a Dr. \Iontague, Re, . .'an ford, Pa tor \\ ood and Prof. Brittain
appear. They gratetull~ acknm\ ledl,!e .... pec=al in truction from Prot. R1lhardson and
the Re\. I· .. ._'an ford, who ha deli\'ered in tructi\ e lecture durin!! the \ear. The
e<wenng the range of precept and e perienre on "The \Vork of the \I mi tr) ," are
not onl) entertaining hut highl} practical.
An) do mg without noting and commemorating the plendid pirit \\ ho lahor d
here in the pa t \\ ould he mwt unhecoming. The) are chen hed in heart and truly
"Their work. do I i\·e after them."