Page 68 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 68

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                                                               . A.

                     \l \R\  P"1'1                                             Pre  tdent  ( 1 t  eme  ter)
                     LHlT\  (J\RJ>  IR                                         Pre  ident  ( 2d  em  ter)
                       I  I  \'L  H  \()[)OCK                                            Vtce-Pre  ident
                       \DI  I·  p \(; I:                                                         retary
                        \   I  DI·R\1  \                                        'orre, ponding  ..._' ecretary
                     Br:I.I.I!  \VIII!  (,H \\1                                              Treasurer

                        Just  as  our  college  would  not  he  worth)  of  the  name  had  it  no  )  oung  \Yoman' ,
                       u  ili<tr),  j ust  o  our annual  \\ould  not  he  co111plete  unless  it  called  attention  to  one  of
                     the  most  important  organinLtions  of  the  student  hod),  the  )  oung  \Voman'  Au ·iliary.
                     Thi-.,  i-.,  indeed  the  greate-.,t  religious  organi/atton  of  'olumhia  'ollege.  It  doe  mu  h
                     in  haptng  the  'hri  tian  character  of  the  girl....   For  thi-.,  purpo-.,c  weeki)  meeting ,  are
                     held" hich  are c1·nducted  h)  the memher.  Through this pcmer of  ervice the). \V. A.
                     1-.  in-.,trum  ntal  in  deepening and  hroadening  the  liH  of  it  memher ,.
                         One of the  mo  t  important  features of  the  )  .  \Y.   .  ts  the  Twilight  Prayer  ervtce.
                     'I hi  i  held  in  the  (Jirls'  parlor  each  evening  twenty  minute  hefore  upper.   ther
                     hranches of  the  \\ork  dunng the  year  are  the  three  mi  ion  'tudy clas  e  and  theY.  \V.
                     ,  .  play  pre  en ted  in  Fehruary.  In  all  the  '' ork  the  two-fold  purpo e  of  the  Y.  \V.  A.
                     ha  heen  kept  in  mind- to  develop  a  sy metrical  Ch ri-.tian  ''oman hood-to  hind
                     together  the  ) oung  women  of  the  school  tor  world-\\ ide  sen. ice  for   hri  t.

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