Page 69 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 69

1119 ~OSSOK~ 15 11

                                                   m. ttJ.  . f .

                         o  feature  of  our  school  life  thi  ~ear has  heen  more  inter<"'tin(!  and  helptul  than

                    ha.  heen  our  B.  )  .  P.  l · .• -\t  the  he(!inning  of  the  ~ear  the  or(!anization  \\a  tom-
                    pleted  with  nearly  all  boardin(! student  and  member  of  the  tacult~  a  member  .  The
                    offiu.•rs  chosen  were  .1  fol\m,

                                 President  .                      \I r.  Emor~  Diamond

                                 \'ice- Pre  ident              :\!iss  1\..,ltherine  \Iurrell
                                                                   \l1s  Edna   \britton
                                 Tre,t  urrr                       \Ir.  lLt-.L,ti   nderson

                                 Piani  t  .                     \!1"  Belle  \\,.dlingham
                                 Chorister                                 'leo  Latimer

                       lmmediatel~  following  each  ,  unda)  evenmg  meal  the  tudent  retire  to  the  girl  '
                    parlor.  where  bright,  enthu  1a  tic  meeting  are  held.   \\'e  haH  wide-awake  group
                    ;t>aders  who  prepare  the  program ·  ''ell  and  with  the  vie\\  of  'hristian  training  ot  the

                    n'ember  .  The orchestra,  under  the  direction  of  \I r.  Blanchard  D.  Law,  i  e  peciall~
                    good.   The  Bihle  quiz  '' ork,  under  the  leader~hip  ot  \I r.  Looni.  Blitch.  ha  been
                    in  tructive  and  impre  ·i,e.  All  committee  of  the  l~ nion, and  e  pecially  the  E  ecutive

                    Committee.  have  been  thorough\~  interested  in  1t  '' elfare  and  in  thi  \\a)  the  l ' nion
                    ha"  made  remarkable  prol!re"  throughout  the  chola  tic  ) ear.

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