Page 78 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 78
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IDriplr QI of nttplr Ql
l\ r OTTO- .. 0 Ho} !lowed.'' p \STI:\1 I· ( Jll.[l!ling.
fill I' ( kCL I' \TIO c~ll'i ing the 'ountr).
<HI· I 'f R
, \DII; L Rrsr R . Captain
LEOTA ( JARD I R . 'I ime keeper
BLI.L \VII II (,1[ \:\[ :\Ianager
(, 'h RI hR . "\I utt"
fl. , IBLR. F\\'ORI'IE E."l'Rl 510
'RI ER" "Ah Foot"
"jiB" P\(,h "Hone. t Engine"
" ' \ D" ( ) • I I· '\ "I'll ~wann"
"ToPS I·'\" \VII I I <.ll \\I "\Ve "hould worry"
"Fpp" !BRITT\1 "Poor old thin!!"
'BIT, .. RI f:<R . ()\\ gne._"
"DoD ,I," \VII LI. 'Cll \\I "( JOOd night!"
''\ ATCII\1 \ .. G\RD I R "\\.ell, I do know"
" \T Focn" '\It RRILL "Don't rare"
"'KI 'FY" H \;\( I hLI. . ":\11 land "
''FAf1)" '\LKI S "\V -e-ll"
"!)\":lOR'\. ''( 1racious to Betsey"
.. '\\ E ETY.. D \\\ so "\\.ell, I'll d'clart>"
"BRO\\ II-,, A DRI \\ s . "Oh, ( 1lory"
"\Vhat did )Oll 'ia\ ?"
1 ELL.
\\Thew! ( 1ee bum-hum!
Here \\ e come,
'ro'is 'ountn Club
Ot old '. C.