Page 81 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 81

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                        L  ft  1uanl   ewton  pla)  d  tead)  hall.  hit  the  line  hard.  and  wa  in  th  gam~ all
                     the  time.  One  eemg  him  praltKe .• md  then  pia)  in  a  u:ame  "ith  an  oppo  ing  team.
                     would  .1sl  if  th lt  could  he  the  arne  " .  t'\\ t"- a  in  e\·er)  l!ame.  "hi ·  hlood  wa  up."
                        The  attitude  of  Left-tar ·le  :tonehraker.  iu  t  hetore  makinl!  an  open-t1eld  tar ·le.
                     reminded  a  frllo\\  of  a  mi  ture  of  the  tiu:er  Lrourh  with  the  turke\ · trot.   11  the
                     . ame,  neverthele s,  not\\ rth  t,mding  thi  .  he  '' .1  .1  blooming  l!ood  n;an  on  the  line.
                     hard  a.  nail.  and  unu  u.dl)  del endahle  in  the  "t.1rkle  mer  taLkie"  pia\.
                         Bill  (Jet:ten.  tall.  stronu:  and  t<1  t.  made  an  idtal  ril!ht-tac ·le.  pla)ing  equal!)  \\ell
                     on  the  offen  i, e  or  the  defen  i' e.  \ \·hetH'\ er  hrs  r~nal  "a  called.  he  ''as  there  with
                     the  good  .
                         Hender on.  left-end.  ho\\ ed  so  rruch  natural  abilit\  on  the  t1eld  that  \Oll  would
                     be  ·afe  in  . uppo-..inl!  hi  t1r-..t  t<)  had  l een  a  foothall.  He  \\as  a  fa,r  pia) er.  a
                     u:ood  tackle.  and  an  e  celler·t  broken-t1eld  runner.   .\  ate  l·et  it  '' ould  he  if  \OU
                     \\ere  to  bet  that  "  \tte)"  \\ill  -..on:e  da)  make  a  famous  end.   .
                         \\.hrte,  and  the  t\\ o  ( 1aine - "Big''  and  "I ,ittle"_ ,, ere  competitor  tor  right
                     end.   Either  one  \\ ould  make  a  reliable  man  tor  the  place.   "I ,ittle"  ( ;aine  "a-
                      more  frequent\)  put  on  the  joh,  and  rred itabl)  did  he  till  the  hill.
                         Blitch,  captain  and  left  half-back.  ''a-.;  al" a\  rn  the  thick  ot  the  )!ame.  encr ur
                      aginf,!  hi.  pia) ers  b,  hi  Llear  thinking.   I I i-..  puntrn).!  wa  stron).!:  hi  pia) in!!.  tast.
                      his  reception  ot  tor\\ ani  past''>,  accurate:  and  hi  broken  tield  runnin).!.  sure.   ',tpt.un
                      Blitch  "as  ea-..ih  master  ot  himself  and  ot  hi-,  rgnal  .   The  honor  done  hnn  h)
                      hi ·  team  mate  in  hi  election  a · captain  "a . • 1 "ell de  en ed  recognition  ot  hi  cheerful
                      efforts  in  all  line  of  athletic'>.
                         Cntil  the  time  of  the  Florida  game.  Ha)den.  at  quarter,  \\a  skdlful  in  his
                      rallin).!  of  signals.  handlinl!  the  team  like  a  veteran.   ln  the  ;.rame  "rth  the  Florida
                      Re  en es,  at  tullhack,  he  plou;.rhed  through  the  line.  hitting  it  hard  and  low- at
                      times  makin;.r  o  much  as  a  t1fteen  twent) ·)ard  ).!ain.   \\hen  plun).!ill).!  was  impo  sihle~
                      he  dived  mer  tor  a  four  or  ti,·e-)ard  ;.rain.   Hi  interterence-running  -..erured  for  him
                      .1  broken  tooth- ) ea.  more- und) in!!  honor.
                         :\Ic Lean,  the  "hi!!  and   ton)!"  ri).!ht-half.  could  al" a)   he  depended  upon  to
                      make  a.;,  lar).!e  a  ).!ain  as  he  "as  <"•:preted  to.  and  man)  time  .  more  than  could  po  -
                       ibl)  he  hoped  for.  To  tackle  and  down  him  \\as  impo . .,ible,  for  no  man  could  ).!t't
                      under  hi  "stiff  ann."   His  "ork  at  breaking  up  the  for\\ ard  pa  e  of  the  oppo  rng
                      team  \\a.  e  eel lent.  To  him  fall-.;  the  honor  of  makin).!  a  touch-do\\ n  on  the  Ionge  t
                      broken  t1eld  run  ot  the  season- made  on  a  fort) -flH'  ) ard  gain.   H c  tackled  hard,  an(l
                      hi ·  \\ ork  at  runnin).!-interterence  \\as  e  cellent.
                          \Vhen  the  Florida  re.;,erve:  put  in  their  coach  against  us,  our  roach  "ent  in  t<1
                      as  i  t  in  "inning  the  da).  The  once  famou  Florida  TerHle)  made  no  !lain  over  our
                      ~'!e, en.  but  they  \\ere  scrapped  del iheratel).  as  .;,napping  ).!Oes  in  football.  ( )u r  r oach.
                      at quarter,  ho\H'd  the  tuff  he\ made  of.  He.  it  \\a  .  who  directed  our  team.  holdin).!
                      them  together  a  thou).!h  the)  "ere  one  man.  hrou).!ht  about  h)  hi  cool  manipula-
                      tion. .  To  him  is  due  honor  and  praise  for  the  good  \\ ork  he  did  with  the  football
                      team.     ccnch  \\ ho  is  new  in  a  place  has  lot ·  to  do  before  he  can  turn  out  a  good
                      team.  or  in  an)  "a),  make  ).!Ood.   ( )ur  coach  ha  surel)  pa · ed  the  point  of  merel)
                      succe"din).!  man),  man)  time ·.
                          \Ianager  Farmer  \\a~  faithful.  untirin).!- hut  the  full  Lhedule-..  ot  oth  r  colle).!e
                      pre\Cnted  our  .;,ecurin).!  a  man)  game.,  a~  our  team  could  have  creditahl)  ph1)ed-
                      and,  more  than  that-could  have  won.
                                                                                        I.        'I -.
                                                                                           L.  B.  'If>.

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