Page 80 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 80

II I9:::t@j(BOS.50K~ 1s ll

                               i!\ruirttt nf tqr  1J1  nthull  rasnu, 191

                                EF< )R I  the  call  for  candidatl'...,  for  the  football  elt\ en  "a.  gn·en,  the  old
                                 football  men  ot  'olumhia,  and  the  ne\\  men  in  college,  who  '' i  hed  to
                                 become  gridiron  ...,tar .... ,  ''ere  in  a  . tate  of  unu  ual  e,citement  and  en-
                                 thu-.;ia  m.  There  ''a  a  nn\  coach  at  college,  who  had  pia) ed  :tellar  hall
                                 on  the  team  of  hi~ Alma  \later.  The que  tion  uppermost  in  the  mind"  of
                     ever) one  ,,-a   "\Viii  he  give  u  a  team  ot  \\ hich  '' e  ma)  he  proud?"  That  que-.
                     tion  ha-.  an  \\ ered  a .... elt  time  and  again.   'oach  :ams  came  to  u  from  :\Iercer-
                     he  came;  he  saw;  he  conquered-not  on I)  those  per on  on  hi...,  teams,  but  the  entire
                     student  both.  At  the  first  practice,  marn  candidate  \\ere  out  \\ho  \\ere  new  to  the
                     game.  'llu:  onh  men  \dlO  had  pltned  <;n  our  team  of  1913,  \\ere  Blitch  and  Cor-
                     bett.  Hayden  c~me to  u  from  :tone  \ Iountain,  his  abiliq  a  a  pia) er  h<l\'ing  been
                     told  us  before  hi  arri\al.   \{cLean,  Henderson,  and  ~'tonebraker  had  been  -.tar
                     for  their  high  ·hool  teanh.  The  other  men  '' ho  made  the  team  had  neH'r  pia)  d
                     much  football   but  their  \ im,  determination  and  "old  pep"  were  winner-..
                        The  line  \\as  heav) -on  the  offen .... i\ e,  a  battering-ram;  on  the  defensi\ e,  a  tone
                     wall.  To  get  through,  \\a  impo sihle.   'orhett,  at  center,  played  the  arne  teady
                     game,  from  '' hich  he  had  \\on  fame  tor  hinbelt  in  the  previou~  ·cason.   Hi  pa  ing
                     \\a~  e  eel lent,  and  ah\ a) ·  to  the  right  "Pot.   Hi...,  ( ab) use  of  the  Engli  h  language,
                     during a  game,  arou  ed  the  env)  of  all  hi.  team-mate...,,  a.  \\ell  a  of  hi · opponent·.
                        Brant,  at  right  guard,  proved  to  he  the  find  ot  the  .... ea on.  He  de\ eloped,  under
                       oach   am. '  diret.:tion,  a  ·pirit  of  fight,  '' hich  made  him  '' i h  to  down  the  other
                     fell<)\\,  re rardle ~  of comequence  to  either.   fter  each  game  his  u  ual  remark  \\a-
                     " \ Vell,  I  didn't  hurt  but  one  man  todar."

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