Page 82 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 82

l[l9~0.5.50K~ ls il

                                                   irls'  9luskrtball
                                 R<>BABL1  there  ha::- never  hren  mor<.>  p1rit  or  lcnalt\  manifested  in
                                  g1rl  '  ha  krt hall  than  during  the  ra:-.c>n  iu  t  pa  ed.  ·,1  h.ere  were  alwav
                                  plent\  of  girl ....  out  for  two  teams  and  e.\en  then  ome  had  to  "don  rt1e
                                  klrt"  and  \\ait  their  turn  to  get  mto  the  crimmage.  -.'o  the  girl  \\ho
                                  made  the  Var  it~  \\as  certainly  no  "quitter."  'Ti  true  the  girl ·  lot  to
                      Palatka  High, hut then  they  were handicapped  h\  having to  pia~ on  a  dance  floor,  8  10.
                      Hm\e\er.  thi  i  the  only  defeat  regi ,tered  agaimt  "our"  girl"  during  the  pa:-.t  .... ea ·on.
                         ".  ez"  'arson,  captain  and  left-forward.  \\as  an  e'\cellent  pla~er during  the  ea  on
                      of  '13,  hut  thi ·  sea ·on  he  wa:  trulr  a  "  tar."  :he  ''a.  quick,  an  n:cellent  hot,  and
                      to  her  fall  the  honor  of  al Wa\  making  more  than  her  part  of  the  core.   Be  id~
                      being a  regular  gemu ....  at  keeping  her  team-mate  together,  " "  ez"  ah\ a~ s  had  that  old
                      "pep"  and  the  guard  "ho kept  up  with  her  ''as certainlv  no  . cruh  pia\ er.
                         AI though  Katherine  ~lu rrell,  our  right  for\\ ani.  ·eemed  at  times  to  lack  confidence
                      in  her elt  o  tar  a   hooting  gc  al  \\a  concerned,  still  her  judgment  of  di  tance  m
                      thnm ing  ha  ket  ''a  unerring.  :he  pa  ed  accurately,  dodged  well  and  put  up  a
                      good  an  e  hihition  ot  ha  ket hall  a ....  one  \\ould  care  to  see.
                         Edna  Albritton  and  Lillian  Co'\  alternated  at  ide  center.   Both  are  quick,  can
                      pa   \\ell,  and  al\\m  fight  to  ,,in  until  the  final  \\hi  tie  i  blown.  It  i  a  curio ity  to
                     \\ atch  Lillian'  peculiar  tactic  j u  t  a ·  her  em n  fon\ anl ·  hoot  a  goal.
                         Leo  Den  ler  i  '' ithout a  doubt  one  of the  h  t  guard  in  the  tate.  -.'he  ha  heen  a
                     main  ta\  on  the  team  for  t\\ o  \ears,  and  the  forward  \\ ho  -;core-.,  man~  point  again  t
                     her- ol{,  well,  :HE ha ·n't  heen  found.
                         The  center ·  never  had  to  '' orry  about  rela\·ing  the  hall  to  the  fonvard  when
                      ~lyrtle Edward  .  our other  !!Uard,  took  po-;·e-;  ion  of  it.  ..  he  reminded  one  of a  peed
                     hall  artist  a   he  .,ent  the  hall  to  the  other  end  of  the  floor  like  a  shot.  :\h rtle  \Va.
                      01re  guard,  a  quick,  aggressi\ e  player  and  sta~..,  close  h/ her  fon\ ani.   .
                           adine  Page  is  a  good  utilit~  pia~ er,  hut  .... he  i  prohahl)  better  at  guard  than  at
                     an~  other  position;  he  can  pas  accurately,  CoHrs  lor...  of  floor,  and  ha  the  "pep"
                     regardle  ot how  the  core  tand  .
                         Harr~  Bennett.  coach  of  girl  '  ha  ket-hall,  . ucceeded  ah\ a) .  in  putting  the  "Do or
                     die"  . pirit  into  the  pla~er:;  with  his  .Cientific  and  e -cellent  code  of  :ignal  he  turned
                     out a  team  the  like of  which  it  would  he  hard  to  di. cover  in  all  Florida.   L.  B.
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