Page 83 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 83

11 19 ~0.5.50K~ ls i!

                                               illnt s'  IDuskrtball

                           ~    HE  ucce  .  of  the  hm . '  ha  ket  ball  team  ot  the  ea  on  J u  t  clo  ed  ha
                                 heen  'aried.
                                               It  s  t;ue  our  team  uffered  t\\ o  defeat  the  f1 r  t  o  th<'
                          l  ~   q';hon- but thn  onh  helped  turn  latr r  l!:tnw  intrJ  'it torie.  'I he  mat<'rial
                     I ~    ~'   trom  which  to .pick . the  team  "a  \ aried   aln o  t  all  the  men  going  out
                                 for  the  team  being  old  hand  at  t ~ e  game.  'I h<'  main  dittiudt\  ''a  in
                     adjusting  them  ehe  to  the  peculiar  n ethod-.  ot  procedure  of  each  pla)er  on  the  Hoot.
                     C1ood  team  "ork  in  running  the  floor,  accurate.  quirk  pa  ing,  and  the  ril!ht  nap  to
                     the  ball,  !!:tined  for  u~  the  ,·ictorie  achie  ed.   \Vhen  the  ", < uthern ''  team  came  up
                     to  pia)  u"  in  Flagler  (J)ll1,  all  their  pla)er   \\l'ft'  too  tnt.t.rl  of  our  bo)'  inahilit~.
                     and  \\'ere  too  ure  ot  their  own  pnmt"'.  '1  he)  \\ent  do\\n  in  defeat.   It  \\'a  not
                     an  m·en\ helminl!  'ictor) - but  the  ''inning  of  t\\ o  of  the  harde  t  fought  game  e'er
                     ,, i tne  sed  in  Lake  i tv.
                         In in  and  :.un  aiternated  at  Lenter- lnin  bq!inning  the  ea  on  at  c ·rlter  and
                     later  being  ''itched  to  fon\ ani.  ''I ere  he  wa~ a  ·read),  sure  hot.  and  a  good  pa  er,
                     while  .'ams  began  the  season  a  l!Uard  and  ended  it  in  center.  Ber111  ·tt.  captain,  held
                     down  lett-forward  in  all  game,  and  held  it  do\\11  admirahl).  Rtl!ht-fon,anl  Bartley
                     pia) ed  until  an  injured  foot  trade  it  in  po  ihlc  to  continue  ''or  '' hm  Irvin  took  hi
                     po  1tron.   Hender on  \\a  first  suh  titute  fon  ani.   Blitch,  lctt-!!uard,  did  a  much
                     '' qrk a  "a · po  -.ihle  f<  r  him  to  do- in  ever)   · ri·nma~e pia) in!!  a  quick,  '  head)"  game.
                     , am  ,  at  guard ,  "a ·  im inrihle.  hut  no  more  ·o  there  than  at  renter.  \It Lean,  after
                     recO\erinl!  from  a  \\remh  received  in  prartiL",  took  right  guard.  Hi  m.un  point  \\er
                     hi  quirkne  and  unu  uall)  good  rru  cl'lar  control.
                         B,  far  the  he  t  game  "ere  tho  e  pia) ed  with  the  l ' niver  it)  of  Florida,  and  with
                     :outhern  College.  ( )ut  of  thes"  three  !!arne  .  there  "ere  t\\ o  victorie  for  our  team.
                         Chalker,  a  ha · ·et-hall  tarot  Ia   ea  on,  managed  his  dwdule  ''ell  - hut.  alack!
                     ala  ! he  did  not  return  to  u  after  the  f1r~t  enw  ter.  Hi  t!ood  "ill  and  ound  common
                     . en  e  \\ere  great  far  or~ in  the  une  of  the  101+-101- ea  on.   I.   '.,'I-.

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