Page 120 - chs-1963
P. 120

Senior  Directory

                                            Class Song - "Climb Every  fountain"
                                      Cia s Motto- ''Today we follow;  Tomorrow we lead."
                                            Class Flower - American Beauty Rose
                                              Class Colors - Crimson and White

                                                                       JAMES ALTO  BREWER, JR.
                   BARNEY  VELTO   ALFORD                                     "Most Popular"
                "Gay personality with added rascality."           "Take care of me·  good men are  hard to  find."
        !:"FA  1,2,3;  ecretary  of  Homeroom  2;  Glee  Club.   "B"  Football  1;  "A"  Football  2,3,4;  Co-Captain  4;  Hi-
                        ODELL BEECHE                         y  3,4;  Key  Club  3,4;  Page  at  Baccalaureate  2;  Page  at
                    "Oh, what five  feet can do!"            Graduation  3;  "A"  Basketball  3,4;  erver  at  Jr.- r.  Prom
                                                             1;  Y 1CA  instructor  4;  Explorer  Scouts  2;   igma  Tri-Hi-
                      SU  A  JA  E  BIDDLE                   y  Mascot  4;  "Best  Blocker"  Award  4;  "Most  Valuable
             "The best of dark and bright meet in her eyes."   Basketball  Player"  2;  Track  2;  "B"  Basketball  2.
        I:"HA  1;  Band  1;  Bask  tball  1,2,3;  Annual  tuff  4;  Feature   LO   IE BRY   BRI  KLEY
        Editor 4,  Pep Club 2;  Beta  Club 4,  Tri-Ili-Y  3,4;  ergeant-  "Men of few words are often the best men."
        at-Arms  4;  1ember  of  Inter-club  Council  4;  Girl  couts   FFA 1;  4Il1,2,3,4.
        1;  FTA  3;  President  of  Homecoming  4.                      MARVI  WISLEY BRI  KLEY
                    KA THERI  E DIA  E BISHOP                               "Silence is strength."
         "Mighty  nice,  mighty  wise,  fun  ;ust  twinkles  in  her      MARY EDITH BRITT AI
                             eyes."                            "Be  cheerful  and  gay;  life  is  grand  if  yott  live  it  that
        "B"  team  Cheerleader  1;  "A"  Team  Cheerleader  3,4;                  way."
        FHA  1,2;  Beta  Club  3,4;  FTA  1,4;  Vice-President  4;  Tri-  FHA  1;  Pep  Club  1,2;  Tri  Hi  Y  4;  FTA  4;  Girl  Scouts
        Hi-Y  3,4;  F,  A  2;   ational  Honor  Society  3,4;  10F-TAR   1,2,3,4; Annual Staff 3,4.
        Society  1,  Cotillion  Club  2,3;  Annual  Staff 4;  Pep  Club  1,2;   JACQUELY  MARIE BROW.
        Girl  couts  1,2,3,4;  Second  Runner-up  for  Miss  CHS  3;   "Of disposition sweet and manner mild."
        Junior  Red  Cross  1;  Pepsi  Cola  Merit  Award.
                                                             Transferred  from  Campbell  High,  Smyrna,  Georgia,  3;
                                                             FHA  1,2;  Vice-President  Homeroom  1;  Christian  Teens
                       KA Til LEE  BISHOP
              "Calmly and peacefully she treads life's way."   2; Library Club 3.
                                                                           MYRA JA  E  BROW
                      MARY  FRANCES BLA Y                              "All who know her are her friends."
                      "Most Likely to Succeed."              Student  Council  1;  FHA  1;  Pep  Club  1,2;  World  Friend-
                   "Great idea  come from  the heart."       ship  Circle  3,4;  Junior  Red  Cross  1,2,3;  Beta  Club  4.
         Student   ouncil  4;  Junior  Class   ecretary;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,     PEGGY JAY.  E  BROW
         4;  President  4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  FT A  1,2;  FHA  1,2;  Usher     "Most Popular"
         at  Graduation  3;  Floor   how  at  Jr.- r.  Prom  2;  High   "Good nature and loveliness go  hand in hand."
         salesman  in  Jr.  Magazine  sale;  Alternate  to  Girls  State;   "B"  Cheerleader  1;  "A"  Cheerleader  3,4;  Captain  4;  FHA
         Girl  couts  1 2,3,4;  Layout  Editor  4;  Annual  Staff  3,4;   1,2;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3;  Pep  Club  1,2;  Page  at  Baccalaureate
         CAR  1,2,3,4;  President  3;  MOF-TAR  1;  Cotillion  Club   2;  Page  at Graduation  3;  Cotillion  Club  2,3;  Student Coun-
         2,3.                                                 cil  2,3;  CHS  Calendar  Girl  2;  Key  Club  Sweetheart  4;
                                                             Annual  Staff 4;  Sports  Editor 4;  Alternate  to  Girls'  State  3;
                    1ARTI  LUTHER BOWLI  'G                   Junior  Red  Cross  1;  Server  at Jr.  Sr.  Prom  2;  Tri  Hi  Y 3,4;
                         "Most Intellectual"
                    "To attain ... the unattainable".         Chaplain 4.
         FTA  1;  Boy  Scouts  1.2 3;  Basel-,al\  2,3.4;  "B"  Basketball   SHARO  ELAI  E  BUSBY
         2;  "B"  Football  2;  "A"  Basketball  3,4;   ational  Honor        "Most School Spirit"
          oci<'ty  3,4,  Vice-President  3;  President  4,  Beta  Club  3,4;   "Beauty is it's own excuse for  being."
          enior  Class  Treasurer  4;  Boys  tate  3;  Page  at  Gradua-  FHA  1;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1;  Pep Club  1,2;  Girl  Scouts  1.2,3,4,
         tion  3,  All- tate  Basketball,  "Honorable  Mention"  3.   "B"  Team  Cheerleader  2;  Captain  2;  "A"  Team  Cheer-
                                                              leader  3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4,  Usher  at  Baccalaureate  2,  Usher
                      ALFRED CHRISTY BOX                      at  ,raduation  3;  CII  Calendar  Girl  2;  Beta  Club  3,4;
                 "He has a friendly smile for all he meets."   FTA  4;  Library  Club  4,  Annual  tuff  4;  Vice-President  of
                                                              Homeroom  1;  President  of  Homeroom  2,3;  Cotillion  Club
                     DELORES FA  ETTIE BOX                    2,3; MOF-TAR l.
                     "Gentle, innocent, and sincere."                     DO  ~  GAYLE CARROLL
         Vice-President 4H Club 3,4.                                           "Most Athletic"
                                                                "A  girl  who  is  happy,  a  girl  who  is  gay,  a  girl  who  is
                    ROBERT  WAY  E  BRA  TLEY                              pleasant the live long day."
                    "A sense of httmor rich and rare."        Basketball  1,2,3,4;  Captain 4;  Pep Club  1,2;  FHA 1,2;  Fir t
          Cotillion  Club  1;  Band  1,2,3;  Boy  Scouts  1;  DCT  4;   Vice-President  1;  Tiger  Staff  1;  FTA  1;  F  A  1,3,4;
          YMCA3,4.                                            Secretary  4;  Homeroom  Vice-President  2,3;  Hom,•room
                   CAROLY    LOUISE  BRESKOVIC                Treasurer  4;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1,2;  Office  Assistant  4;  Stu-
                    ''Softly speaks and sweetly smile."       dent  Council  Representative  4;   erver  at  Jr.-Sr.  Prcm  2;
          Homecoming  Queen  4;  FHA  1,2,4;  Pep  Club  1;  Cotillion   Page  at  Baccalaureate  2;  Cotillion  Club  2,  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;
          Club  3;  Library  Club  4;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1,2;  Office  As-  lntram••rals  2;  "A"  Team  Cheerleader  3;  Homecoming
          sistants 2,3,4.                                     Attendant  4;  Annual  Staff  3,4;  Honor  Roll  l.

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