Page 122 - chs-1963
P. 122

                                                                        ".\!err like this makr  the  tcorld."
                                                             FFA 1,2.
                                                                         DAVID  EUGEII,E  HE,  DO.
                                                               ..    .         "Best Looking"
                                                                lie  mrxcd  sports  and  litAng,  and  miwd  them  tcc/1."
                                                             "B"  Tt•am  Football  1;  "A"  Team  Football  2 3 4·  Co-
                                                             Captain  4:  FFA  1,2,3,4,  Sendary  2;  Presidmt  4.'  '
                                                                          GEH.ALD LLO IIEH. 'DO
                                                               "lie  i.\  quiet,  he  is  shy,  there  i.\  mi-dticf  in  his  eye.
                                                      1,2.3.-t;  "A" Team  Football  4;  ··  'munr  Hero"  :\\\ard
                                                              4;  Beta Club ·t.
                                                                            JERI\\  E.  HEWETT
                                                                             "Most School Spirit"
                                                                   ''Reason  is  not measur('d by size or height but
                                                                                by principle."
                                                             "  lost  lmpron-d  Football  Pbyer"  Award  4;  "B"  Te.1m
                                                              Football  2  ..  "  Team  Football  3,4,  "B"  Team  Basketball
                                                              I ;Track  \1ma~cr 1;  Football  ?\1anager  1;  Basketball  fan-
                                                             ager 1,2,3,4.
                        LE\'0.' FOU'\'TAI  '                               LEO.  AHD P  HILL, JR.
           "When  I  feel  like  tcorking,  I  just  lie  down  'til  the   "Fun  and  frolic  and  glc(  are  there,  the  u:ill  to  do
                         feeling goes au:ay."                               and the so•d to dare."
         Hi-Y 3,4; Basketball!.                               Hi-'t  3,.1;  Delta  Tri-Hi-Y  fa scot  4,  Yl\1CA  4;  Cotillion
                 JU  'ICE  CARBOROUGII FRALICK                Club  1,2;  Freshman  Class   eeretary  1,  Annual  Staff  4.
               "A SC'nse  of humor tcith  plenty of non  cnsC'."
                                                                          VIRCI.  IA GAIL IIO  • \
                     JOIL\ '\ \  HAROLD FRIAR                    "It's nice to be naturalt(;hen you're naturally nice."
           "Full  of  fun  a11d  mrschicf  is  he,  ask  hi.1  teachers   tudent  Council  Representative  1,2  FIIA  1,2,3,4,  Library
                          arlll  you'll see."                Club  4,  Annual  taff  4,  Server  at  FFA  Banquet  2.
                      OLIVIA JA'\E GIEBEIG                         THEOPHIL    BRA  'TLE't  HO   TO  , JR.
           "  ot  too  bashful,  not  to  bold,  she'  exactly  right  we       "Jdeal Date"
                            are told."                                  "I heed no instincts lmt my own."
         Beta  Club  3,4,   at10nal  Honor  odety  3,4;   ecretary  4,   ~fOF-TAR 1.  Band  1.2,3,4;  "B"  Team  B.1sketball  2;  "A"
         Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  \'ice-Prc,ident  ·!,  FTA  1,2,3,4;  FilA  1;  Girl   Team  Basketball  3,4;  Captain  4,  Hi-Y  3,4;  Vice-President
          ·couts  1,2,3,4;  President  3;  Library  Club  4,  'ecr •tary  4;   4;  Cotillion   lub  1,2,3;  1u   lpha  Theta  4;  President  4,
         Pep  Club  1,2;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1;  Cotillion  Club  1,2,3,  An-  'liational  Honor  ocicty  3,4;  Treasurer  4,  Delta  Tri-Ili-Y
         nual  Staff  3,4;  Organizations  Editor  4,  Curtis  Salesman-  Mascot  4,  Student  Council  Representative  4;  Alternate
          hip  Award  3;  Senior  Girl  cout  Planning  Board  4;  World   to  Boys'  tate  3;  Senior  Class  Vice-President.
         Friendship Circle 3.
                                                                           MARIA   E  !IOU  TO.
                    LORA ELIZABETH GUERRY                              "Speech is silver,  ilence i~ golden."
              "  he's merry and clecer, an agreea!Jle maidc11."
         Cheerleader  2;  Pep  Club  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  FilA  4;  Annual      JOA.'  HOWARD
          taff 4.                                                       "Just lJeing happy is a firtc  thing."
                                                              FHA  1,3,  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Beta  Club  3,4.
                      A  '\  KATIIRY'>:  HALE
                 "Her goodne s makes the world bright."                   CY:'\THIA KAY  HOWELL
         Glee Club 2,3,4.                                         ..  he touches nothing but u:hat she adds a charm."
                                                              FHA  1;  Cotillion  Club  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  YWA  4;  Pep
                     MARY CAROL HALBROOK                      Club L
                         "Most Intellectual"
               "Lovely in persorl and tcealthy in knou;ledgc."          CHARLOTTE IRE  'E HU  TER
         Pep .Club  1,2;  FII\  1;  Girl  \:outs  1,2,3,4;  FTA  1,2,3,4,   "Earnest in Iter  work; wholehearted in her play."
         Vice-President  3;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1;   tudent   oundl  Rep-  ational  Honor  Society  3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  MOF-TAR
                                                             1;  Cotillion  Club  2;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4,  FilA  1;  Tri-
         rc.,t·ntative  3;  Tri-Ili-\  3,4,  Historian  4;  Beta  'luh  3,4.   Hi-Y  3,4;  1YF  Council  4,  Band  12,3;  Floor  Show  at
         \'icc-President  4,  '>:ational  Honor  ocicty  3,4,  \'icc-Presi-
         dent  4;  Annual  . taff  3,4;  Copy  Editor  4;  Library  Club   Prom L
         4,  Curtis   alt·smmship  Certificate  3;  l\IOF-TAR  1,  l\tu
         Alph;l  Theta  4;  Certificate  of  Scholastic  Achiewment  ~ .
         \ational  l\ft>rit   cholar,hip  Letter  of  Commendation  4;
         Homeroom  \'in•-President  4.
                        S) I VIA JFA.'\  HALL
           "Locely  to  look  at,  delightful  to  know,  poise  and  grace
                         arc hers to show."
         FHA  1;  Glee  Cluh  2,3,  Glee  Club  Accompanist  3;  Miss
         Columbia  High  1962-63,  Beta  Club  4;  Young  Women's
                    1ARTHA CHERYL HAMl\10:'\D
               "A gentle manner and charming per anality."
         Jobs  Daughters  1,2,3.4,  Band  1.2;  Girl   couts  1,2,3,4,
         D  T  4;  Bowling  Tc:1m  Captain  4,  Bowling  League  er-
         g  ant-at-Arms  4,  DCT  Publicity  Chairman  4;  Glt•e  Club  4.
                      JOYCE MAE IIA  KI~S
                   "A willing heart, a helping hand."
         Glee Club 3;  Library Club 3.
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