Page 125 - chs-1963
P. 125

FDITII MAHII  Y'\ SCIIAEFFEH                           JOIII\  HICIIAHD  L  H
        "It's  lu·ttr r  to  IH'  wwll  and  .1/tinc,  tlum  to  !JI'  l1ig  and   "Boys rdlllJc boy>."
                       cost a  ~lwclou;."
      Beta  Club  3,4,  Tri-IIi-)  3.4  Tn•a\urt>r  4,  Annual  Sttff
      4,  Homeroom  Annual  lkpres(·ntative  4;  Stnd(·nt  Counul
      2;  Pep  Club  1,2;  Jr.  R('d  Cross  1,2;  I'lL\  I;  llomeroont   EDWAI\D PAUL WALKEH
      Secretary  2;  Homeroom  Tn•asun·r  3;  FT   1,2.4;  Ilome-             "Wittiest"
      commg  Float  .'3;  Cotillion  Club  3;  Pn·shyh'rian  Youth  Fel-  "Ifa/1/IY  am  I,  from  care  I'm  free.  \Vhy  aren't  they
      lowship 3.
                                                                          all contcutcd likr•  me?"
                   1.1  DA E.\SI I  E S  HTII                            \ '\ n  \ JOYE \\' \HHE'\
        "  he's  honey  tdthout  a  doubt,  ncr.;er  krwum  to  frou;n   "Ar1 immrd /J('auty  that  naught can dim."
                          or pout."                        4-II  Honor  Club  1,  FilA  1,2;  Student  Council  I,  Chc,ru
      FHA  1,2,3;  Transferred  from   Fort  White;  Usher  at   1,  ) M  A  '3.  Beta  Juh  4.  DCT  4;  First  Place  for  DCT
      Baccalaureate  and  Graduation  at  Fort  \.\'hitc.   Impromptu  Spee<:h  4,  \'icc-President  of  Class  1.

                 L  WRE  CE Gl  I•, '\ '\ SMITHY                         DOlUS Lim WATERS
                  "Big in fun, lmt .\mall in sizr."                "Silence is  more cloqrwnt them  u;ords."
                                                           FII  ; 4-II.
                 WA't  E CIIAHLES SPHADLEY
                "An uwight, d01rnright honest IJCn;."                   CIIAHl ES M.  WATKI'\l
                                                            "\Ve  all  knou;  not  much  of  him,  but  t~.ohat  u;e  know
                  JOH~ \\'E'\DFI L  ST\TF'\                                   is good."
            "Be good, and if you um't Ill' good l1e  careful."
                                                                      IIEHBEHT  \DAMS WEAVEH
                      CAHY  T  '>  rEVE'\S                              "Most  likdrl to  Succeed"
                   "A -little  rrork, a littli•  play."           "Tall in .\lrr•rtglh,  mimi, emd  personality."
                                                           Freshman  Class  Treasurt•r;  Sophomore  Clas-,  Pr('sidl'nt,
                   CHAHLES  l 't   '\ Slll 1 '>            Sttl(knt  Couucil  H('pn·s<·ut.ttive  3,  Kt·y  Club  3,4,  Pn·'>i-
                        "Most  Ba~hfu/"                    dent  4  ",tudcnt  Council  Pn·\ident  4,  Beta  Club  3,4;  Ili-
          "To l1e  irt  this world rs  the only tcay to l1e•  happy."   't  3,4,  Sigm.t  Tri-Hi-Y  \f...,cot  4,  "B"  Team  Footb.tll  1,2;
      Band 1,2,3; Band Captain 3.                          "A" 1 cam  Football  .'3,4,  Boy-,'  tat<'  3;   'her  Bacealaurcate
                 ELEA'\OH PAl HICIA STL \HT                            HALPII LOLlS WHEELER
              "The mildest nwrmer all(/ gentle.\/  heart."   "Ne•t·cr  let  .\tudying  interfere  rdth  your  hi~h  .\chew/
                   JOSEPH E  SL \1MEHLI'\                  FFA  1;  hJOthall  2,3,4,  Ili-Y  4,  YMC\  4,  DCT  4;  Presi-
                    "I just  rwnt to get out."             dent 4;  "C"  lub 3,4.
                   MYRA  LY   E  SWAZEY                              GLOHIA  FHA'\CES WILLIAMS
        "To  make  the  world  a  friendly  place,  she  shows  to   "A fair maiden clothed  rcith  celestial grace."
                       it a friendly  face."               FTA  1;  Tn-Hi-)  2;  B.tnd  1,2,3,4;  Majorette  2,3,4;  Head
      Transferred  from  Auburn  High  School,  Auburn,  Alabama   ~1ajorctte 4.
      4;  Pep  Club  2,3,  Science  Club  1;  Jr.  Civitan  3;  FHA
      2.3;  Girls'  Athlettc  Association  1,2,3;  S('crd.try  3;  FTA   LEITIIEH  I'HOM\S WITT
      2,3,4;  Annual  Staff  3,4;  Library  Club  1;  Tri-Ili-'t  4;        ",\fo.\1  \th/etic"
      '\ational  Honor  Society  4;  BPta   lub  4,   ational  Merit   "The rcilde1t  colts make the !Jc.\t  horses."
       cholarship Fina!Gt 4.                               Hom('room  Presid<"nt  1,2;  Explorer  Scouts  1,2;  B<l'oeball
                                                   \tanager  I;  "B"  Football  1,2,  "B"  Baskdball  2;
                   MIHIAM EI  \I'\ F TEHHY                 "C"  Club  2;  Cotillion  Club  2,3;  ":\''  Team  Football  3.4.
                        "Best Looking"                     ":\''  Basketball  3,.1;  Hi-Y  3,4,   ecrdary  4;  WOW  U.S.
        "The  fairest  garden  in  her  looks  and  in  /l('r  mine/   Jii.,torv  \ward  3;  Class  Tre.l'ourcr  3,  Curtiss  alt·smanship
                       the tdscst l1ooks."                 Certificak  3;  Boys'·  3;  Bda  Club  3,4,  \!asuJt  of
       .irl  Scouts  1,2.3,4;  Patrol  L!'ad<·r  4,  Cotillion  Club  2,3;   Scout Trooo 372 4.
      Tri-lli-Y  3,4,  S('crdary  4;  World  Friell(hhip  Ctrch·  2,3,4,
      Secretary  3  L  Bd.t  Club  3,4;  S('trt'l.try  4.  '\atioual  Honor   I.  CY  I  \\'FH'\I: \\'OLFOHD
      Society  3,4;  FTA  1,2,3,4,  FII-\  1,2,3;  Library  Club  4·   "She  has  one  mlile  for  n;enl  girl  1111d  trco  for  every
      Jr  Heel  Cross  1.2,3;  D.\H  Histor)  .\11ard  '3:  P('psi  Cola        lwy."
      \1crit  Award.  \101-'-T.\H  1  \1YF  1,2,3,4,  Floor  Show   FHA  1,2;  Junior  Hed  Cross  1,2;  Pt•p  Club  1,2;  Homt·room
      j r.-Sr.  Prom  2,  ~tudent  Council  1,2;  Cur!ts  Salesmanship   Tr('asurt•r  1,2,   tudt'nl   ,cmneil  4;  Tri-Ili-Y  3,4.  \'icC'-
      Award 3.                                             Presid('nt  4,  "Ti~er  Tales"  newspaper  article  3,4.  \nnual
                                                           Staff  3,4,  Senior  Council  4;  Junior  Cla"ical  Lt·a~ut•  4;
                                                           Pt•psi Cola  1crit Award.
                  JO'tCE El 1'\'\0H TIIO\L\S
               "She is  as  tcise and good as  she is  fair."
      Student  Counul  4,  DCT  4,  S(•cretary  4;  FIT   l.            HI  ,IIAHD \\'A 't :'\E \\'ITT
                                                             "A  good-natured  hoy  is  rcclcome  in  any  comJwrty."
                  EHANA JUA"\ITA TILL  1A'l
               "  'ot much talk  a great sn·ect silence."
                                                                          RU  SELL C. WOOD
                                                                    "As large as life and twice as natural."
                        EDDIE  TISO
        ". o  full  of  life  and  full  of  fun,  a  friend  and  pol  to
                                                                         PA  LfO'\E  WHICHT
                         ei.;('TifOIIC."                         "Politcnes  is  rca  kindne s,  kindly expressed."
      B.tnd  1,2,3,4;  Bo}  Scouts  1.2,  Stamp  Club  4;  Y  1CI\  3,4;
      Beta Club 4.
                                                                      WYCLIFF CARL TO  WYNN
                  WILLIS PERRY TOMPKI. '                               "Last but definitely not least."
             "It matters not how long we live,  hut how."   Track  1;  Boy   couts  1;  Pep  Club  1;  Glee  Club  2;
      Cotillion Club 2; Library Club 4.                    Magazine  certificate  3;  Library  Club  3,4.
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