Page 123 - chs-1963
P. 123

                "She is  nice ln.J  7Wmc and naturc."
      Transferred  from  Ch.trll'slon,  Illinois  4;  I· IIA  1,2,3;  CAA
                 CHARLES B  RTO~ JACKSO
            "'Vc~;cr serious, often gay, a grand old sport  in
                         er.:cry  tL'II!t·"
      Band  1,2,3,4;  Volley  Ball  1;  Ba.,eball  1;  IIi-)  \fu  Alph;t
      Theta  4;  Y~fCA 4;  Transf!-rred  from  Miam•  ~mior High

                   El.IZABETII A'\'\ JARVI<;
        "Although  .1hc  doesn't  han·  nwch  to  Wll/,  she  makes
                     the mo.\l of c~;cryda!t·"
      4-II  Club  1,2,.'3,4;  Council  Dekgatl'  1;   umt•rous  Achil'w-
       mt·nts  and  Awards  1,2,3 4·  C\ 0  Prc-,icknt  4
                                                                      RICHARD  CHARLES  LA  'E
                   RA  DOLPH L. JE  KI  S                                  "Most Courteous"
             "Oh well, the first  hundredrtears arc always          "flis eyes, how they ttcinkle so gay."
                         the hardest.')
      Football 3;  FFA 2,3,4.                                            LAHHY  ELVI~ LAW
                                                            "I  helong  to  a  union;  my  hooks  are  closed  at  night."
                   LESLIE JULIENE JOH  S
                 "Many charming  teays has she."                     ROBEHT  HAIC  LA WRE:'\CE
      CAR  1,2,3,4;  Chaplain  2,  ecretary  3;  Pn·.,ident  4,  Cotil-    ",\1 ost Versatile"
      lion Club 2;  YWA 4.                                         "He either finds a way or makes one."
                                                           Band  1,2,3,4;  Captain  2,4;  Basketball  2,3,4;  "-:ational  Honor
                CAROL Y  LA VO"-:"'!E JOH"\SO              Society  3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Vice-President  3,  Mu  Alpha
              ature made her t~;hat she is and ncecr made   ThcLI  4;  \'icc-Presidt·nt  4,  Student  Council  Vice-Presi-
                          another."                       dent  3;  Key  Club  2,3,4,  Secretary  3;  Hi-Y  4,  Delta
      Dramatics Club 3.                                    Tri-IIi-Y  !ascot  4;  President  of  Semor  Class  4,  Pagt.
                                                          at Baccalaureate 2, Cotillion  Club 2,3.
                 MARGARET FRA  CE  JONES
             "Her talents were of the more silent class."                A.:\'DRA  UE LITTLE
      Beta  Club  3,4;  Junior  Classical  League  (Latin)  4.   "A  pretty  girl,  a  l(;Orthy  girl,  a  thousand  girls  in  one.''
                                                           FHA 1,4;  FHA  weetheart 4.
                   RO  ALD  OWEl\  JO  ES                                 IR  1A JEA  LOYD
        "The  elements  so  mixed  in  him  that  nature  might   "A  good  heart  is  /)(:Iter  than  all  the  heads  in  the
        stand  and  say  to  all  the  tcorld,  'This  i~  a  man.'"           world."
      "A"  Team  Football  1,2,3,4;  Hi-Y  3,4;  Key  Club  3,4;  Track   FHA  1,2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y 3;  Glee  Club  3;  ergeant-at-Arms  3;
      1;  Basketball  1,2;  Boy  couts  1;  Usher  at  Baccalaureate;   Annual  Staff  4;  Beta  Club  4;  Server  at  FFA  Banquet
      Server at Jr.-Sr. Prom 2.                            2;  Usherette at Glee Club  oncert.
                     THEODORA KAPE                                     MERRILL ASHLEY LY  N
                      "Most Cor1rteous"                                 "Take life as  you  find it.''
        "She teas given so much of lleaven, so  much of Earth.''   Track  3;  cience  Club  1,2,3;  1u  Alpha  Theta  4.
      Pep  Club  1.2;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1;  Girl  Scouts  1,2.3.4:  World   EDYTHE MARIE L YO:-..'S
      Friendship  Circle  3;  FHA  1,  FNA  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Ser-  "A pocket full of sunhine is better than gold."
      geant-at-Arms  4;  Student  Council  ReprC'sC'ntative  3;  Beta   Pep  Club  1,2;  FHA  1,2;  tudent  Council  2;  Jr.  Red  Cross
      Club  3,4;  .  ational  Honor  Society  3,4;  Annual  taff  3,4;   2;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Treasurer  4;  Library  Club  4,  Vice-
      Editor-in-Chief  4;  Library  Club  4;  lntramurals  2;  Honor   President  4;  •  ational  Honor  Society  3,4;  Annual   taff
      Roll  1,2,3,4; Pepsi-Cola Merit Award.
                                                          4;  Faculty  Editor  4;  Sigma  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Hbtorian  4,
                    DEWEY 0  C  R KEE                     F.:\'A  4;  Homeroom  Vice-President  2,  Cotillion  Club  2;
        "For  the  lad  worthtchile  is  the  one  tdlO  can  smile."   Intramurals 2;  Honor Boll  1,2,3,4.
      Football  2,3,4;  "C"  Club  2,3,4,  DCT  4;  Track  l.         LI  DA  BE  IT A  1AHKHAM
                    JUDITH A    KELLY                          "Gentlemen always seem to remember blondes."
                       "Most Dignified"
                                                           FHA  1,2;  Historian-Reporter  1;  Homecoming  Attendant
            "Her air  her manner, all who saw admired."   4,  Pep  Club  1,2;  Tiger  taff  1;  Presbyterian  Youth  Fel-
      Pep  Club  1,2;  'FHA  l;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1.  Vice-President   lowship  1,2,3,4;  Vice-President  l;  President  3;  F  A  4;
      1;  "B"  Team  Cheerleader  2;  "A"  Team  Cheerleader  3,4;
      Server  at  Jr.-Sr.  Prom  1;  Usher  at  Baccalaureate  2;   President  4;  Cotillion  Club  2;  Junior  Red  Cross  1,2;
                                                          Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Glee  Club  4;  Homeroom  Treasurer  3;  2nd
      Page  at  Graduation  3;  Girl  couts  1,2,3,4;  Annual  Staff   Runner-up  to  Lake  City  Junior  Miss  4;  Annual  taff  4;
      3 4·  FTA  1·  Calendar  Girl  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4:  Sergeant-at-  Queens' Editor 4.
      Ar~s  4;  H~meroom President  2,3;  Senior  Class  Council
      4;  Cotillion  Club  2,3;  MOF-TAR  l.                          PATRICIA A     1ARKHAM
                                                                             "Ideal Date"
                       JERRY R.  KEMP                       "Efficient  and  neat  and  nice  to  knot(;,  is  how  we
        "Not  too  loud  to  be  annoying;  not  too  quiet  to        explain that Markham glow."
                          be boring."                      FHA  1;  Pep  Club  1,  DCT  4;  Vice-President  4.
                 JOSEPH HORACE KE     EDY                              CATHEHI  E MARTI  OV
             "To worry little, to study les'!J,  is my idea of                "Wittiest"
                         happiness."                           "Her knowledge was•surpassed by her wit only."
      FFA4.                                                Beta  Club  3,4;  Reporter  3;  President  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;
                                                           President  4;  Annual   taff  3,4;  Circulation  Editor  4;  Girl
                  ROBERT LAVER  E KIRBY                   Scouts  3;  YW A  2,3;  Homeroom  Vice-President  3;  Gym
                 "Bravery never goes out of style."       Class  President  l;  Glee  Club  2;  Homeroom  Annual  Repre-
      "B"  Team  Football  1,2;  "A"  Team  Football  3,4;  Hi-Y   sentative  4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  4;  Secretary  4;  Junior  Red
      3,4; Track 1.                                       Cross  1,2;  Lincoln  Juniorettes  1;  Honor  Roll  1,3,4.
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