Page 124 - chs-1963
P. 124

GEORGE HALL  1cCOL  KEY                               MAR)  A'\''\  PATTERS0"-1
                             ..  'calc  t"                      "Few  things  are  impos iiJ/c  to  diligence  and  skill."
                 "He  /retched while yau;ning and forgot  to   Glee Club 1;  F  A:  FHA
           otillion  Club 2,3;  Track  1;  Key  Club  2,3,4;  Vice-President   MARY lEA  ETTE PEARCE
          4;  Basketball  "B"  2;  "A"  Basketball  3,4;  "B"  Football  2;   "The reason we  ovc her·  she's sweet as a song."
          "A"  Football  3,4;  Hi-Y  4;  Sigm<•  Tri-Hi-)  Mascot  4,  Math   JOE HENTO  PELT
          Club 4.
                                                                           "Sing no sad songs for  me."
                      CECIL  tYRO.  MILLER                    Track  1,2,4;  Baseball  1,2,3;  Glee  Club  3,4;  Vice-President
                   "Why study? It's hard for  the braitl."    4;  Golf 2.
                    ~  'CY ELIZABETH  tOODY                                 BETTY LOU PHILLIP
                          "Most Ver atilc"                            "A tall girllea~.:es room for  a l1ig  heart."
                  "A girl to  whom was givcr1 so much."       Basketball 2,3,4,  F  A 1,2:  FHA 1,2.
          Girl   couts  1,2,3,4;   ccretary  3,4;  FHA  1;  Tiger   taff
          1;  FTA  1,2,3,4;  Vice-President  2;  President  4;   tudent       1  RYLEE PHILLIP
          Council  1,2,3,4;  II- tate  Band  1;  Majorette  1,2,3,4;  Head   "Lo~.:e and skill together create a masterpiece."
          1ajorette  3;  Dntm  1ajorette  4;  Jr.  Red  Cross  1,2;  Home-  Transferred  from  Titusville,  Fla.  4;   panish  Club  2,3;
          room  Reporter  1;  ophomore  Class  ecretary  2;  Pep  Club   Vice-President  2;  President  3;  French  Club  3;  Anchor
         2;  Pepsi  Cola  1erit  Award  1;  Homeroom  Secretary  2;   Club  2,3;  Vice-President  2;  Secretary  3;   cience  Club
          Delegate  to  Girls'   tate  4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Reporter  4;   2,3;  Vice-President  3;  Beta  Club  3,4;   ational  Honor
          •  ational  Honor  odety 3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Senior  Class  ecre-  Society  4;  Vice-President  of  Class  3;  Annual  Staff  4;
         tary;  Library  Club  4;  Cotillion  Club  2,3;  Annual  Staff   Tri-Hi-Y  4;  Girl  Scouts  4;   panish  award  1,2;  English
          4;  Photography Editor.                             award  1;  Algebra  award  1,2;  Physical  award  2;  Girls'
                                                              Athletic award  2,  cholastic  letter  1,2,3;  Honor  roll  1,2,3,4;
                     DO   LD GEORGE MOODY                     1st  place  "Voice  of  Democracy"  conte.t  4.
           "Our  lover  l1oy  a  you  all  k110w,  alway·  has  to  go!
                              go! go!"                                     BARBARA A.   POWELL
         "B"  Team  Basketball  1,2;  "B"  Team  Football  1,2;  Varsity   "Give the world the IJe  t you  have."
         Track  1;  Varsity  Basketball  3,4;  Varsity  Football  3,4;   FHA 4;  F  A 1.
         Varsity  Baseball  2,4;  Member  of  Explorer  Post  'o.  299;
         YMCA,  Jr.  Red  Cross;   ophomore  Class  Vice-Pre.ident,     MARTIN  1AURCIE  PROVEAUX
         Hi-Y  4;  ~1u  lpha  Theta  4;  Cotillion  Club  2;  "Best  Foul   "It's  not  what  I  do  that  lJothers  me;  it's  when  I  get
          hooter" in "B" Team Basketball 2.                               caught that there is difficulty."
                        VIVIA  LEE MOORE
                    "Judge not her worth by her size."                     MICHAEL LEO  PRUITT
          FHA 1,2; F.  A 2;  Library Club 2.                        "School's o.k. when there's nothing else to do."
                      P  TRICIA LO  I  E  OLL                             L Y  DA DIA  E PUESCIIEL
           "There  is  determination  hidden  in  her  quiet  ways."   "Her friendly S]Jirit  is  indeed a mighty virtue."
          fliA 1;  Band 1,2,3,4.                              FHA  1;  FTA  1;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  Pep  Club  1,2;  Band
                       Ll  DA CAROL NORRIS                    1,2,3;  Annual  Staff  3;  Ads  Editor  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Sec-
                       "Crazy-but we love her."               retary  4;  Episcopal  Young  Churchmen  1,2,3,4;  Secretary
                                                              1,2,3;  Senior  Class  Council  4;  Cotillion  Club  2.
                     ELIZABETH A    O'BRYA
                         "Most Dependable"                                   SA  DRA KAY  RASH
                      "Who said silence is golden?"                    "She has a smile that won't come off."
         FHA  1,2,3,4;  Treasurer  1;  Parliamentarian  3;  State  Treas-  Student  Council  1,2;  Pep  Club  1,2;  Chorus  1;  FHA  1,2;
         urer  &  Chapter  Parliamentarian  4;  4-H  Club  1,2,3,4;  Presi-  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  YMCA  3;  DCT  4.
         dent  1,2,3;  Pep  Club  1,2;  FTA  1,3,4;  ecretary  4;  Junior
         Class  Vice-President;  Library  Club  3;   chool  Columnist     LOTTIE  ELL RICHARDS
         3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4,  Girls'  State  Delegate  3;  Annual  Staff   "A gentle lass crowned with sweetness."
         3,4;  '\'ational  Honor  Society  3,4;  Girl   couts  3,4;  Betty
         Crocker  Award  4;  DAR  Good  Citizen  Award  4;  3rd  Place    JOSEPH EDWI  '  ROBERTS
         in  "I  Speak  for  Democracy"  Contest  4.            ''I'm not conceited,  although, gosh  knou:s,  I  have every
                                                                                 right to he."
                     CHARLES BRADE  OLIVER                    "B"  Football  1,2;  "A"  Football  3,4;  FFA  2,3;  Secretary
             "A  iolly  good  fellow  and  a  great  friend  is  he."   4; Pep Club l.
         Junior  Red  Cross  1,2,3;  B  nd  1,2,3,4;  Cotillion  Club  2;
          ~1ath  Club  4;  Library  Club  3;  Annual  Staff  4;  Under-  EUGE:-..:E  HARRI  ROBERTSO
          classmen  Editor  4.                                         "I am free as nature first made man."
                                                              DCT 4,  FFA 1,2,3,4; AM  1,2,3,4.
                   JEA  ETTE THERE  A PADGETT
                 "A reserved manner, and a charming way;                 ROBERT  RAY  ROBERTSON
                      she's also artistic and gay."                             "Friendliest"
          Homeroom  President  1;  Vice-President  of  Girls'  Glee   "A  tower  of  strength  and  a  model  of  courage."
          Club;  Glee Club Librarian;  FHA;  Civil Air Patrol;  Tri-Hi-Y;
          Glee  Club;  Catholic  Youth  Club;  Glee  Club  Sweetheart 4.   REWIS DURWOOD ROSSI
                                                                    "The temple of our purest thoughts is silence."
                      PAUL ROBERT PADGETT
             "Thoughts  arr  mighter  than  strength  of  hands."         SHERYL JA  ELL RUCKER
          Beta  Club  4;  Civil  Air  Patrol;  "B"  Basketball  1;  Band   "Her ways arc ways of pleasantness."
          1,2, Catholic Youth Club.                           FHA  1,2;  County  Council  President  of  4-H  4.
                    KE   ETH ULYSES  PARROTT                              DORIS CAROL Y   ADLER
                    "The world is his who en;oys it."                 "An honest heart po  sesses a kingdom."
                                                              Pep  Club  1,2;  FHA  1;  FTA  2;  Student  Council  3;  Tri-
                       LLOYD LEO  PARSLEY                     Hi-Y  3,4;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  Annual  Staff  4;  Homeroom
           "Mischievous  l111t  courteous,  relial1le  and  resourceful."   Vice-President 2; YW A 3,4.
          Glee  Club  1,2;  President  1;  Christian  Ambassadors  1,3,4;
          FTA  2;  President  of  CA's  4;   ecretary  of  Sunday  School   THOMAS ALLA  SA  DERS
          Class 4.                                                "I  drink  to  the  general  joy  of  the  whole  table."
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