Page 119 - chs-1964
P. 119

F.  H.  A.

                                                                     The  Future  Homemakers  of  America
                                                                   is  an  organization  aimed  toward  help-
                                                                   ing  girls  better  prepare  for  their  future
                                                                   in  the  family,  the  community,  th   na-
                                                                   tion,  and  the  world.  This  purpose  is  ex-
                                                                   em;?lified  by  their  motto,  "Toward   ew

      LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Lula  Mac  Pt•clcr,  Secretary;  Cheryl  Markham,
      Parliamentarian;  Sherry  Huff,  V.P.  Program  of  Work;  Sue  Griffin,
      V.P.  of  Degrees;  Linda  Sue  Blanton,  President;  Ronnie  Faye  King,
      V.P.  of  Recreation;  Lucille  Moor<•,  V.P.  of  Projects;  1arie  Herndon,
      Historian;  Mary Jane Dykes, Treasurer.

                                                                                 ue Griffin,  tate Parliamentarian

      FIHST  HOW,  LEFT  TO  HIGHT:  \trs.  Fourakcr,  Sponsor;   McElroy,  Cleone  Brannan,  Ellen  Kennington,  Kathy
      Sue  C:nffin,  Sherry  Huff,  Honnic  Faye  King,  Linda   ue   Cr •en.  FOURTH  ROW:  Mary  Johnson,  Wanda  Henry,
      Blanton,  Mary  Jane  Dykes,  Lucille  Moore,  Cheryl  Mark-  Christine  Davison,  Jeanette  Witt,  Lana  Cole,  andra  Hho-
      ham,  Lula  .\lac  Peeler.  SECO'\D  HOW:  Cecelia  Thomas,   den,  Linda  Day,  Linda  Rob  rts,  D  I  Anne  Hines.  FIFTH
      Tt•rcsa  Cay,  Carol  \Villiams,  Patsy  \fanucy,  Annette  \1er-  HOW:  Libby  Graham,  olene  Rhodes,  Sharon  Cone,  ber-
      -,hon,  Tcina  Cason,  Julia  Grissom,  Hcbccca  Briggs,  Hilda   ry  Crews,  Kathy Thurmond,  'ancy  Taylor,  Dean  hipp,
      Davis.  TIIIH.D  HOW:  Hose  Lang.-ton,  \faric  Herndon,  Lor-  'orma Eatmon.
      ramc  '\cclcy,  \tarjoric  Mershon,   Linda  Sandlin,  Liz
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