Page 118 - chs-1964
P. 118
RIGHT: Dwight Pettyjohn, Treasur-
er; Jimmy Ash, Chaplain; L a r ry
Perry, Reporter; Ken Jackson, Senti-
e), SECO D ROW: Lamar Witt,
Vice President; James Harris, Presi-
dent; Lynn 'icely, Secretary.
F. F. A.
The Future Farmers of Amer-
ica has become a vital part of
the extra-curricular activities of
C.H.S. F.F.A. helps mold in-
terested boys into skilled and FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. White, Sponsor, Benjamin Christie, Billy
Baldwin, Jimmy Ash, Rodney Thomas, Robert \Vainwright, Mike Russell, Charles
educated men capable of tack- ~furray, Tommy Felder, Mr. Haltiwanger, Sponsor. SECO D ROW: Dwight
ling the many tasks farm life of- Hall, H. J. Parrot; Mike Robert~, James Smith, Eldean Crews, Duane Thomas,
fers. F.F.A.'s contribution to the Jerry Douherley, Larry Freeman. THIRD ROW: Everett Phillips, Larry Clyatt,
Spirit is one of education and Marvin Jenkins, Ray Burnette, Ross Ferry, Michael Rogers, Everett Hicks,
doing. Richard Dicks. FOURTH ROW: Garry Riddel, Bruce :\'orton, Dale Brannon,
Ronnie Milton, Billy Edenfield, Larry Jones, Charles Peeler, John O'Neil.
FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lynn icely, Billy Hunt, THIRD ROW: Harry Dicks, Dwight Moore, George Ros-
Don Keen, Dwight Pettyjohn, Larry Lucas, orman Terry, ier, Rodney Sistrunk, Joe Wood, \Vayne Adams, Bill Waters,
Larry Perry, Donald Thomas, Tames Harris, J. T. Halti- Arky Rogers, Bill Pettyjohn. FOURTH ROW: Marlin Fea-
wanger, Sponsor. SECO D ROW: Curtis Perry, Otis Rob- gle, Lamar \Vitt, Phillip Sexton, Royce Murry, Earl ettles,
erts, Butch Lewis, Ken Jackson, Charles Bryant, Ronald Melvin Pearce, Gilbert Durrance, Lynwood Brown.
Dukes, James Williams, Joe Roberts, T. R. White, Sponsor.