Page 116 - chs-1964
P. 116


                  OF  AMERICA

          Through  Future  T  achers  of  America  student
        learn  the importance  and  necessity  of  the  teaching
        profession  which  they  later  plan  to  enter.

                                                                                           Janice  Akins,  Presi-
                                                                                           dent;  Joe  Wolf,  Vice-
                                                                                           President;  Kathy  Jar-
                                                                                           vis,  Secretar;y;  Judy
                                                                                           Jordon,   Treasurer;
                                                                                           Dede  Andrews,  His-
                                                                                           torian;   Dave   Roof,
                                                                                           Reporter;  Jim  Hickey,
        Mr  . Allison, Sponsor                                                             Sergeant-at-arms.

         FIRST ROW,  LEFT TO  RIGHT:  Leola  Lansdowne,  Caro-  Judy  Jordon,  Gordan  Summers,  Josephine  Butler,  Anne
         lyn  Sanders,  Sparkle  Kapes,  Betsy  Butler,  Kathy  Moore,   Dobclstein,  Donna  Fulk,  Rafalar  \Veaver,  Dorothy  Sandlin,
         'usan  Shackelford,  Ceorgia  Hackney,  Jo  Ann  Leuther,  Ann   Cheryl Morgan.  FIFTH  HOW:  Timothy  Baughn,  Dede And-
         Butler,  \fartha  \1<\rks. SECO'\D ROW:  Lynn  Eaddy, Joyce   rews, Suzanne Phillips,  Kathy  Morgan,  Elizabeth  \Vaters,
         Adams,  Paula  Bridges,  Cathy  Jarvis,  Linda  Oliver,  Viane   1ercdyth  Adams,  Carol  Purdy,  Linda  Dyal,  Donald  Ray
         Reda,  Peggy  Blackmon,  Cindy  DeVane,  Diane  Christie,   Houston,  Andy  Dukes.  SIXTH  ROW:  Edgar  Lockett,  Sue
         Eva  Beth  Harrison.  THIRD  ROW:  Linda  Sue  Wheeler,   Griffin,  Kandy  Baas,  Diane  Sandlin,  Cathy  Tillotson,  Dave
         Diane  Hollingsworth,  Brenda  1'\orth,  Ann  \Vhceler,  Marilyn   Hoof,  Willard  Ih•drick,  Joe  Wolf,  David  Pope.  SEVE'\TII
         \\"illis,  Hita  Tyre,  Joyc<•  Housend,  Linda  Bennett,  Janice   RO\V:  Jim  Hickey,  Richard  ynder,  Paula  Klay,  Dale
         Akins,  Betty  Schaeffer.  FOURTH  ROW:   ancy  Stevens,   Pigott.
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