Page 150 - chs-1966
P. 150

                                                 "For the lad worthwhile is the one who can smile."
                                       Chorus 2,3,4.
                                                      THOMAS WILLIAM "T0\1" KIRBY
                                                    "Men of few  words are often the best men."
                                       Perfect Attendance  1,2,3; De Molay 4.
                                                        GEORGE WA  HL 'GTO.  L  KE
                                                          "A little u:ork,  a little play."
                                                         FRA  'CES DAHLE  E  LAMB
                                                         "Gentle,  innocent, and sincere."
                                        Girl  <.·outs  1,2;  Para- 1edics  1;  HR Vice-President 1, D.C.T. 3,4.
                                                     DEBORAH A  ,  "DEBBIE" LA  DRU  1:
                                                              "BE  T  LOOK!  'G"
                                          "Fun and frolic and glee are there; the will to do  and the soul to dare."
                                        Girl  couts  1,2;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3;  HR President  1,2;  Tiger  Staff  3,4;  Annual
                                        Representative 3;  Cheerleader 4.
                                                          FRA  CES ELIZABETH LEE
                                              "She has a habit of always looking on the sunny  ide of life."
                                        Tri-Hi-Y  1.2.3,4;  Girl  couts  1.2.3,4;  Top  20%  Freshmen  Placement  Test
                                        1; Tiger  taff Publicity Chairman 2.3;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Photo  Club  4;  F.T.A.
                                        4; Library Club 4; Top 20%  enior Placement Test 4;  Annual Staff 4.

                                                          KE  ',  ETH WILLIAM LEE
                                         "Happy am I,  from  care I'm  free.  Why aren't they all contented like me?"
                                        Boy  couts 1.2,3,4; D.C.T. 4.
                                                    KATHRY     1ARIA ~IP COMB
                                               "Her name is odd, is it not? but to  forget  her, we cannot."
                                        Girl  couts  1.2,3.4;  Para- 1edics  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Red  Cross  2;  Pep  Club
                                        3; F.T .A. 4; Library Club 4.
                                                         SHERLY  LY  ETTE LISTON
                                                              "Politeness goes far."
                                        F .H.A.  1,2,3,4; F.H.A.  Sweetheart 4.
                                                          CHARLES DA  IEL LLOYD
                                                    "School's o.k.  when there's nothing else to  do."
                                                          JOH  ST A  FORD LOCKETT
                                                           "MO  T I  TELLECTUAL"
                                                     "A mixture of knowledge and good humor."
                                        Top  10%  Freshmen  Place  Te t  1;  Student  Council  2:  Key  Club  2,3,4,
                                        Vice-President  4;  Beta  Club  3.4,  Vice-President;  Art  Club  President  4:
                                        Top  10%   nior  Placement  Test  4;  Boy's  tate  4;  D  R  Hi  tory  Award
                                        3; Tiger Staff 2; Treasurer S  nior Cia  .
                                                          EV ALEE ROM AI  E  LUCAS
                                                 "Do the best lfOII  can especially if you think you can't."
                                        Para- {edics 2,3; Library Club 4.
                                                           CHERYL SUE MARKHAM
                                                       "She is as wise and good as she is  fair."
                                         F .H.  .  1.2.3.  F .H.A.  Parliamentarian  2.3;  Library  Club  2;  D .C.T.  4;  Sec-
                                         retary 4.
                                                           BRUCE HAYWOOD MARTIN
                                                           "A little work, a little play."
                                                           PATRICIA RUTH MARTI
                                              "She's honey without a doubt, never known to  frown or pout."
                                         Girl  couts  1,2,3,4;  Para-Medics  1;  YMCA  1;  Perfect  Attendance  2,3,4;
                                         Tri-lli-Y 3,4; Pep Club 3.
                                                          DAVID  HERIDA  MAURER
                                                   "A good-natured  boy is welcome in any company."
                                         Football 2;  Transfer 3.
                                                           RUTH ELAI  E  McDO  ALD
                                             "Cute and blonde, sweet and neat; she's a girl who's hard to beat."
                                         Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3;  Annual  Representative  1;  Girl  Scouts  1;  Cheerleader  2,3,4;
                                         Usher  for  Baccalaureate  2;  Student  Council  2;  Usher  for  Graduation  3;
                                         Library Club 4.
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