Page 154 - chs-1966
P. 154

                                                  "\10  T POPULAR"
                             "The  elem  nt   o  mixed  in  him  that  nature  might  stand  and  say  to  all
                                                the world, 'This is a man.' "
                             Key  Club  2.3.4;  Hi-Y  3.4,  tudent  Council  President  4;  Football  2,3,!;
                             Letterman Club 4; Boy  cout  1,2.
                                                IRA DERRICK THOMAS
                                               "Who  ays school isn't fun?"
                                                JUA  ITA JEA  THOMA
                                                  "Silence is strength."
                             Chorus 2.
                                              W  L TER ROD  EY  THO  fA
                                     "It's not that I loce study le  s,  but that I love  fun more."
                             F.F.A. 1,2,3; D.C.T. 3,4, Pre  ident 4.

                                             FRA  'K ARTHUR "MIKE" TODD
                                                   "BEST LOOKI  G"
                                             "Great in things that make us great."

                                                 LI  DA GAIL TUR  ER
                                               "  10  T I  TELLECTUAL"
                                           "The price of wisdom is above rubies."
                             F.H.A.  1;  Perfect  ttendance  1.2,3;  Latin  Club  2;  Beta  Club  3,4,  Secretary
                             4;  Top  20%  enior  Pia  ement  Te t,  Mu  Alpha  Theta,  Annual  Representa-
                             tive 4;  , 'ational Honor  ociety.
                                            RICH  RD WAY:\E "RICKY" TYRE
                                                "  ew boys are always nice."
                             Band  1.2;  Boys   thl  tic  Club  1;  Baseball  1;  Football  2;  D.C.T.  3,4;
                             Transfer 4.

                                                 JUDY A    WALDRO
                                                  "  10  T  ATHLETIC"
                                       ever  eriou  , often gay, a grand old sport in every way."
                             Physical Fitn  ss  Award 2;  Tri-Ili-Y 3;  D.C.T. Treasurer 4.
                                                   MIRA JA  'E WARD
                                  "Happy and cute,  but never bold; she's a friend as good as gold."
                              Girl  couts  1.2.3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4,  Historian  2,4;  Tiger  Staff  1,2,3,4;
                              Latin   lub  2,   nnual  Representative  2,3;  Pep  Club  3;  Library  Club  3;
                              Beta  Club  3,4,  ccrctary  4;  Editor-in-Chief  of  Annual  4;  Girl  State  Alter-
                              nate 4; Rode on  H.C.  Float 3,4.
                                                   BETTY JO WATER
                                               "Many charming way  has she."
                              Chorus 2.
                                             J  DITH LOUI  E "JUDY" WEAVER
                                              "Give the world the best you have."
                                                FREDDIE PAUL WHEELER
                                  "When I feel like u:orking,  I iust lie down til the  feeling goes awaq."
                              Football  1,2,3;  F.F.A.  1,2,4;  Track  1,3;  Basketball  Manager  1,4;  Baseball
                              Manager 1,2,4;  L  tterman Club 4;  Hi-Y 4.

                                                    DO  ALD WILKS
                                                 "Sing no sad songs for me."
                                             DOROTHY LA VER  E WILLIAMS
                                            "Of manners  o gentle, of heart  o kind."
                                             HE  RY  FORD "HI  KY"  WILLIAMS
                                            "Laugh and the world laughs with you."
                              Boy Scouts 1,2; Track 2,3,4; Perfect Attendance 2.
                                               JOYCE DARLE  E WILLIAMS
                                            "Of disposition sweet and manner mild."
                               F.H.A.  1;  HR  ecretary  1,2;  Top  20%  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Perfect
                               Attendance  2;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Junior  Class  Math  Award  3;
                               Student Council  4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  4;  Office  Assistant  4;   ational  Honor
                               Society 4.

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