Page 151 - chs-1966
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                               "Laugh and the world laughs with you."
                  Basketball!; Annual Representative 2."
                                 MARY ELLE  "MIMI" McDUFFIE
                                      "Never a dull moment."
                  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Girl's  State  3;  Pep
                  Club  3;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Annual  Staff  Feature  Editor  4;  Miss  Columbian;
                  Library Club 4;  Steering Committee 4.
                                SHIRLEY LAURA LEE McFADDEN
                  Secretary  of  Tri-Hi-Y  1.3,  Vice-President  Tri-Hi-Y  2;  Third  Highest  Mag-
                  azine  Salesman  3;  Student  Council  3;  Pep  Club  3;  Annual  Homeroom
                  Representative 4;  Rode on H.C.  Float 4.
                                     MARY ALICE McGUIRE
                                 "Give the world the best you have."
                  Chrous  1,2,3,4; 4-H 1,2.3;  .H.A.  1,2,3; Basketball2; Transfer 4.

                              BARBARA ELAI  E "TEDDY" McMAHON
                  Y-Teens  1;   ational  Thespians  1,2;  Pep  Club  2;  School  Play  2;  Miss
                  CHS Contestant 3;  Tri-Hi-Y 3; Tiger Staff 3;  Drama Club 3;  Transfer 3.
                                 JOH    IE FREDERICK MIL TO
                  "Occasionally  you  meet  a  man  who  thinks  he  is  all  the  seven  wonders
                                          of the world."
                  Football  1,2,3,4.  Student  Council  1,4;  Latin  Club  2;  Key  Club  3,4;  Hi-Y
                  3,4; Lettermen Club 4.
                                     DO  NA  MARIE MILLER
                             "A cheerful soul lightens the hearts of others."
                  Para-Medics  1; Tri-Hi-Y 3,4.
                                   CLARE  CE LILBERT MIMBS
                                  "The little guy with the big feet."                      /
                  Boy  Scouts 1,2,3.
                                       CHARLES MOORE
                              "It matters not how long we live, but how."
                                     LINDA MARIE MOORE
                                  "Judge not her worth by her size."
                  Office  Assistant  1,2,4;  YMCA  1;  Girl  Scouts  1;  Library  Club  Secretary
                  and Treasurer 4; Annual Staff 4;  Tiger Staff 4.
                                   JO  ASHTO  MORESHEAD
                                        "Born for  success."
                  Beta Club 4; Transfer 3.
                                   CHARLES MILES MORGA
                                  "As large as life and twice as nice."
                  DeMolay 4.

                                     VER  A JA  E MULL!  S
                      "For who can see and then forget  the glories of this gaq  brunette."
                  YMCA  1;  Girl  Scouts  1,2.3,4;  Rainbow  Girls  1,2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  2.3.4;  Latin
                  Club  2,3;  Pep  Club  3;  Prom  Committee  3;  Library  Club  3;  Tiger  Staff
                  3; Annual Staff 3.
                                   CHARLES FOSTER MURRAY
                              "He speaketh not and yet he wins his waus."
                  Boy  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  4-H  1,2,3,4;  F.F.A.  1,2,3;  Science  Club  2;  Radio  Club
                  3; Photo Club 4;  Annual Staff 4.
                                    PATRICIA A    MURPHY
                                    "Full of laughter,  full  of pep."
                  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  F.H.A.  1;  YMCA  1;  Para-Medics  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4,
                  Pep Club 3;  Latin Club 3,4;  F.T.A.  Student Assistant.
                                MARY KATHRY  "MAY"  ETTLES
                         "If laughter prolonged life ... she would live forever."
                  Tri-Hi-Y 1,2,3,  Treasurer  2,3;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3;  Latin  Club  2,3,4;  Student
                  Council  2;  Annual  Representative  2;  Cheerleader  2,4;  Usher  at  Baccalaur
                  eate 2;  Pep  Club  3;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Library  Club  4.
                                  GLE  DA PAULETTE  OBLES
                            "To be in this world is  the only way to  be happy."
                  F.T.A.  1;  Latin  Club  2,3,4;  Annual  Staff  4;  Editor  of  Senior  Directory  4;
                  Office Assistant 3.
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