Page 152 - chs-1966
P. 152

                                            "My Father taught me to work; he did not  teach me to love it."
                                                      LA WRI  CF RAY  "LARRY"  ULL
                                                            "A friendly  lad is he "
                                      Basketball  1,2;  Boy  Scouts  1.2,  HR  Treasurer  1.  HR  President  2,  Vice-
                                      President 3; lli-Y 3. t, Steerin!-( Committt•c 4, De\folay 4.
                                                        ER,  EST HILLARY OGDE
                                               "The more you  eat the harder it is to get to the table."
                                      D.C.T. 4.
                                                        HASKELL W ~ Y:-\E  OVERBY
                                               "I care not for  books, git;e me wine, u;omen, and song."
                                                         J  LIA,   R'\OLD PARKER
                                                    "Nothing is  impossible to a u;illing heart."
                                      4-H  1.2; Football 2;  IIi-Y 4.
                                                         JERRY ARTH  R PAR. 'FLL
                                                 "Fa  cinating ... effortless ... wit ... Mr.  Cool."
                                      Boy  Scouts  1;  Football  2.4;  Basketball  League  3;  Letterman  Club  4;
                                      Hi-Y 4; Track 4.
                                                         PAULA JOYCE PAR"ELL
                                             "Talk she can, talk she will, her tongue is very  rldom still."
                                       tudent  Council  1.  Office  Assistant  l.3;  Decorating  Committee  of  Junior-
                                       enior Prom 3.  Tiger  taff 4;  Annual  taff,  enior Directory Editor 4.
                                                     JO  EPH PATRICK "PAT" PARRISH
                                                           "MOST DIG  IFIED"
                                                  "Beu:are,  I may do  omething sensational !let."
                                       tudent  Council  1,2,4,  Officer  at  Large  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  iascot  1,2,3,4;  Girl
                                      Scout  1ascot  1;  Latin  Club;  Junior- enior  Prom  Floor  how  2;
                                      Football  2.4,  lli-Y  2.3,  Pre  ident  of  Junior  Class.  Key  Club  3.4  President
                                      4;  Letterman  Club  4;  Top  20%  enior  Placement  Te t,  Senior  Steering
                                      Committee 4.
                                                       PERRY TIIO\fA  PATTER 0
                                                "Life is  short, but there's always time for  courtesy."
                                      Boy Scouts 1.2.3; Tennis 4.
                                                        ROBERT REED PEDLOW III
                                              "Wine, women, and song get me down, I'll quit singing."
                                      Golf  2.4;  Football  Manager  2;  Hi-Y  4;  L  tterman  Club  4;  Basketball
                                      statistician 3,4.
                                                      JOII  WILLIAM "BILL" PERK!
                                                "Take life as  you  find it,  but don't leave it that way."
                                       tudent  Council  1.2;  Latin  Club  1.2.3,4;  Top  20%  Fre hman  Placement
                                      Test;  Explorer  cout  1.2;  Tri-Hi-Y  Mascot  l.2:  erver  Junior-Senior  Prom;
                                      Hi-Y  2,3,4;  Physical  Fitness  Award  2;  Annual  Representative  3;  F.T.A.
                                      Treasurer  4;  Top  20%  Senior  Placement  Test;  Senior  Steering  Committee.
                                                        MARY  U  AN "SUE" PRICE
                                                      "A cheerful heart, a friendly smile."
                                       Tri-Hi-Y,  .irl  couts  1.2;  Office  Assistant  1;  Annual  Repre enta-
                                      tive 1;  Pep Club 3; Art Club 4.
                                                     JOH  PATRICK "PAT" PUE  Clll~L
                                                       "Worry killed a man, why worry?"
                                       Football1.4; Basketball 1.2; Golf 1.2.4. Hi-Y 2.3.4;  Letterman Club 4.
                                                        JERRY WILLIAM REGISTER
                                                       "just being happy is a fine  thing."
                                                   PAUL RA  DOLPH "RA  DY" REGI  TER
                                                  "Take care of me-good men are hard to find."
                                       Football  1,2.3,4;  Boy  Scouts  1;  Track  2,3,4,  Latin  Club  2,3;  Basketball
                                       League 3,4;  Letterman Club 4.
                                                        SA.MMIE  JA~1E  RE:\'TZ. JR.
                                                         "A good heart's worth gold."
                                      F.F.A.  1,2,3,  President  1.2.  Reporter  3;  IIR  Vice-President  1,2,3;  Student
                                      Council Reporter 2;  Choru  2,3, Sergeant at Arms 2;  Transfer 4.
                                                         SANDRA GAIL RHODE
                                                       "She's nice by name and nature."
                                      Glee Club 1;  F.H.A.  L
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