Page 141 - chs-1967
P. 141

Senior  Directory

                     RONALD  WALTER  ALLEN                                RONALD  PERRY  BENNEIT
      "Our life  is  what our thoughts  make  it."                           "Most Versatile"
                                                           " Variety's the  very spice  of life,  that  gives  if  all  its  flavor."
                  KATHRYNE  YVONNE  ANDERSON               Basketball  1 ,2,3,4;  Football  2,4;  Baseball  1 ,2,3,4;  Student  Council
      "Always live  as  if you  expected to  live  always."   3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Treasurer  4;  Closs  President  4;  Closs  Secretory
      Bond  1 ,2,3;  latin  Club  2.                       2;  Page at Boccoloureote  2;  Page  at Graduation  3;  Senior  Ploy.
                      PATRICIA  GAIL  AVERY                            PATRICIA  JO  ELLEN  BERGMANN
      " Nothing  is  impossible  for  a  willing  heart."   " Devout  yet  cheerful,  active  yet  resigned."
      FHA  1 ,2;  library  Club  1 ,2;  Tiger  Stoff  1 ,2.   Girl  Scouts  1 ,2;  Tri·Hi·Y  1 ,2,3,4;  Secretary  4;  FT A  2,4;  Annual
                                                           Staff 4;  Art  Club  4;  Secretary.Treasurer 4.
                    DONALD  VIRGIL  BARFIELD
                          11    1                                        ROBERT  DAVID  BICKEL,  JR.
                           Wittiest '
      " From  the  crown  of  his  head,  to  the  sole  of  his  foot,  he  is  all   " He  either  finds  a  way  or makes one."
      mirth."                                              Boy  Scouts  1 ,2,3,4.
      FFA;  library Club.
                                                                      JESSIE  RALEIGH  "JIMMY"  BIELLING
                    DONNIE  WESTLEY  BATTLE                                   " Friendliest''
      " /  hove  laid  aside  school  and  gone  o·fishing."   " A  friendly  lad  he  is."
                                                           Transfer  3;  Football  4;  Baseball  3,4;  Annual  Representative  4;
                                                           Tri·Hi·Y Mascot 4;  Page  in  the  House  of  Representatives  3.
                   YVONNE  ELIZABETH  BAUGHN
      "A  canter  is  the  cure  for  every  evil."                      SHIRLEY  ANN  BOATWRIGHT
      Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  Bond  1,2,3,4;  Tiger  Stoff  3,4;  Annual  Stoff  4;   "What  wisdom  con  you  find  that  is  greater  than  kindness?"
      Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4.
                                                           FHA  2,3,4;  Officer  4;  Paramedics 2;  FHA  Sweetheart 4.
                     DONNA  ANN  BENNETT                                 LINDA  LOUISE  BOSCARINO
      " Well  then/  I  now  do  plainly  see  this  busy  world  and  I  shall   "Man  has  his  will,  but  woman  has  her way."
      ne'er  agree."                                       Tri·Hi·Y  1 ,2,3,4;  Cheerleader  2;  Annual  Staff  1 ,2,3;  Tiger  Staff 3.
                                                                         KATHARINE  CHRISTINE  BOX
                       WITTIEST                            "Of disposition  sweet  and manner mild."
             Georgia  Hackney   Donald  Barfield
                                                                         PHYLIS  CLEONE  BRANNEN
                                                           " Just  being  happy  is  a  fine  thing."
                                                           FHA  1,2,3;  Parliamentarian  3;  DE  4.
                                                                          NANCY  MARIE  BRITTAIN
                                                           "She  has smiles  and sunshine  in  her face."
                                                           FT A  1;  Office  Assistant  1.
                                                                          MARGARET  ANN  BROWN
                                                           "Politeness  goes  far.  11
                                                                           PEGGY  JEAN  BROWN
                                                           " I  om  a  woman,  need  I soy  more?"
                                                           Paramedics  1;  Tiger  Staff 4;  Art  Club  4.

                                                                            WILLIAM  BROWN
                                                          " If at  first  you  don't  succeed that  makes you  ;ust  about average."
                                                                          CAROL  ANN  BUCHHOLZ
                                                          "If  to  her  shore,  some  female  errors  fall,  look  at  her  face,  and
                                                          you'll  forget  'em  all."
                                                                        WILLIAM  EDWARD  BUCKLES
                                                          " He  rides  his  hobby  horse  peacefully  and  quietly  along  life's
                                                                          WILLIAM  JEFF  BUCKLEY
                                                          "Of all  animals  the  boy  is  the  most  unmanageable."

                                                                          ALBERT  EULY  BULLARD
                                                           "Seize the  pleasure  of the  present day."
                                                           Football  1 ,2,3;  lettermen's Club  3.

                                                                          DONNA MARIE  BURNETIE
                                                           " A  cheerful soul  lightens  the  hearts of others."
                                                           FHA  2;  Paramedics  2;  VOE  4;  Recording  Secretary  4;  Girl  Scouts
                                                                          ANNA  LOU  BURNSED
                                                           " Good humor teaches  charm  to  lost."
                                                           FTA  1;  Y·Teens  1;  Transfer  3;  FHA  3,4;  OCT  4;  Vice  President 4.
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