Page 143 - chs-1967
P. 143

                         CHARLES  DAVIS
                                                            " The  man  who  is  off  wool  and  a  yard  w1de'  doesn 't  shrink  from
       " I  live  for  today,  for  tomorrow  never  comes."
                                                            doing  his  duty"
                        GLORIA  KAY DAVIS
                                                                             SHARON  FENDER
       " A  kind  heart  is  a  foundation  of gladness."
                                                            " Her  goodness  makes  the  world  bright."
       Transfer;  FHA  1,2;  FBLA  Club  3.
                                                                              JAN  FERGUSON
                      RONN IE RO BE RT  DAVIS
                                                            ' It  molters  not  how  long  we  live,  but  how."
       " A  willing  heart,  a  helping  hand.
       Transfer  2;  Tiger  Stoff  3,4;  FTA  4.
                                                                         MIC HAEL  BRINSON  FLANAGAN
                                                                             " Most  Intellectual"
                     SARAH  CHRISTINE  DAVISON
                                                             A  good  mind  possesses a  kingdom!'
       " Kindness  !Jives  birth  to  kindness."            FTA  2;  latin  Club  2;  Beta  Club  3,4,  Key  Club  3,4,  Notional
       FHA  1;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4;  Junior  Classical  league  2,3,4;  Top
                                                            Honor  Society  3,4,  President  4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4;  Top  20%
       10% Senior  Placement Test.
                                                            Freshmen  Placement  Test;  Top  10%  Senior  Placement Test.
                     MICKEY  GENEVA  DENNARD
                                                                           ELIZABETH  JANE  FLOW E
       " Her  wit  was  more  than  man,  her innocence  a  child."
                                                            " The  ideal  of courtesy,  wit,  gra ce  a nd  charm."
       FHA  4; VOE  4.
                                                            latin  Clu b  1 ,2,3,4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  3;  FTA  3,4,  Vice  President
                                                            1,2,3,  Preside nt  4;  Beta  Clu b  3,4,  District  Secretary  4;  Server  a t
                         JOANN  DICKS
                                                            Prom  2;  Tiger  Staff  3,4;  An nual  Staff  4,  Sports  Co-Editor;  Girl
       " Nothing  is  impossible  to  a  willing  heart."   Scouts  1,2;  Top  20%  Freshma n  Placement  Test;  Top  20%  Senio r
       Beta  Club  3,4;  National  Honor  Society  3,4;  Office  Assistant  3;
                                                            Placeme nt  Test;  Annua l  Re presentative  2,4;  Offi ce  Assistant  1,4;
       VOE  4.                                              Student Council  1,2;  Class  Secretary 3.
                      RICHARD  EDWARD  DICKS
       " The  world is  his  who  enioys  it."                              WILLIE  JAMES  FORAN
        FFA  1,2,3,4.                                       " Bury  me  on  my  lace  because  in  a  little  while  everything  will
                                                            be  turned  upside  down."
                          JIMMY  DIXON                                      MARGARET  FAYE  FOSTER
        "A  good-natured boy  is  we/come  in  any company."
                                                            " When  you're  through  learning,  you're  through."
        Transfer 4;  FFA  1,2;  FBLA  1;  OCT  1;  Y Club  1.
                      REBECCA  BEL VA  DOUGLASS
        " She  has a  smile  lor every  girl,  and two  lor every boy."
        Tri-Hi-Y 2,3,4;  Tiger  Staff  3;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3.
                       EDWARD  DALE  DRYDEN                                        BEST  LOOKING
        " A  guy  like  him  is  hard to  lind."                               Sa ri  Ca pps   Steve  Carter
                       LYNDA  DIANE  DUBOSE
        " Full  of laughter,  lull of pep."
        Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4;  FT A  1;  Cheerleader  1,2,4;  Captain  2;  Tiger  Staff
        4; Annual  Staff 4.
                        RANDALL  KIRBY  DUKES
        " Men  of lew  words  are  best."
        Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4;  Beta  Club 3,4.
                           ROY  DURDEN
        " The  world  is  his  who  enioys  it."
                      VIRGINIA  EASON  DUTTON
        " It's  nice  to  be  nice,  when  you' re  naturally  nice."
        Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  Intramural  Basketball  2.
                      LIVINGSTON  LEE  EADDY,  JR.
        " Too  nice  for  a  statesman,  too  proud  lor a  wit."
        Boy  Scouts  1,2;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  4;  Beta  Club  3,4,  President  4;
        Key  Club  2,3,4;  Band  1 ,2;  Usher  at  Graduation  3;  Track  3;
        National  Honor  Society  4; Annual  Staff 4.
                      RENNY  BOZEMAN  EADIE  Ill
        " Be  content  with  your  lot;  one  cannot  be  first  in  everything."
        latin  Club  1 ,2,3,4;  Boy  Scouts  1 ,2.
                       NORMA  CHERYL  EATMON
        " Many  charming  ways  has she."
         FHA  1 ,2,3,  Historian  2,  Vice  President of  Degrees 3;  VOE  4.
                       REBECCA  ANN  ETHERIDGE
        " The  fairest  garden  in  her looks  and  in  her mind the  wisest  books."
        Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4,  Treasurer  1;  Girl  Scouts  1;  FTA  3,4,  Historian  4;
         Annual  Representative  1;  Annual  Staff  3,4,  Copy  Editor  4;  Mu
         Alpha  Theta  3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  State  Science  Fair  1,  Top  20%
         Freshman  Placement  Test;  Top  20%  Senior  Placement  Test;  Student
         Council  4;  Floor  Show  Jr.-Sr.  Pram  1;  Calendar 3.
                       PATRICK  WAYNE  EUBANKS
         " Never let  studying  interfere  with  your high  school  career."
         CEC  Club 4.
                          CARL  DALE  EWING
         " None  but  himself  con  be  his  parallel."
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