Page 142 - chs-1967
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                                                               "Lovely  to  loolc  at,  delightful  to  know;  poise  and  grace  ore  hers
                                                               to  show."
                                                               Annual  Representative  2,3,4;  rode  Homecoming  float  1;  Tri-Hi·Y
                                                               1,2,3,4;  Student  Council  1,2;  Paramedics  1;  Office  Assistant  1,4;
                                                               Usher  at  Graduation  3;  Page  at  Baccalaureate  2;  Annual  Staff  1 ,4.
                                                                             RONALD  HUGHLET  CARTER
                                                               "Life's a  very  funny  proposition  after all."
                                                               FFA  1 ,2,3,4;  4-H  1 ,2,3.
                                                                              SIDNEY  LONNIE  CARTER
                                                               "Give  the  world  the  best  you  have."

                                                                              STEPHEN  ROBERT  CARTER
                                                                                  "Best Looking"
                                                               "'Tis  not  a  lip  or  eye  we  beauty  call,  but  the  joint  force  and
                                                               full  result  of all."
                                                                                TEINA  RAE  CASON
                                                               "The  only  way to  have  friends  is  to  be  friendly."
                                                               FHA  1;  Student  Council  1 ,3,4;  Annual  Staff  3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  VOE  4;
                                                               Girls'  Stole  Alternate  3.
                                                                               TERESA  ANN  CASSIDY
                                                               "Cute  as a  button  and  not  much  bigger."
                                                               Office  Assistant;  Tri-Hi-Y;  Homecoming  Court.
                                                                             STEVE  ARTHUR  CHAMBERLIN
                                                               "Remember that  every hard  boiled egg  is  yellow  inside."
                                                               Class  Treasurer  1;  Football  1 ,2,3,4;  Basketball  1 ,2,3;  Track  3,4;  All
                                                               Conference,  All  Region,  North  All  Star-Football.
                                                                             FRANCES  ANITA  CHAPPELL
                                                               "The  only  gift  is  a  portion  of thyself."
                                                               Anchor  Club  2;  Spanish  Club  2;  lntramurals  1,2;  Transfer  3;  Annual
                                                               Stoff  4;  Senior  Directory  Editor  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Chaplain  4;  Beta
                                                               Club  3,4;  Senior  Play.
                                                                              PEGGY  MARIE  CHASTEEN
                                                               "There's a  lot  to  be  said for  the  girl  who  doesn't  say it  herself."
                                                               Band  1 ,2,3,4; Secretary-Treasurer 4.
                                                                               BENJAMIN  F.  CHRISTIE
                                                               "The  terrible  burden  of having  nothing  to  do."
                                                               Art  Club 4;  FFA  4.
                           CUTEST                                              JAMES  MARTIN  COBB
                  Melanie  Germany   Jerry  Spivey             "A  chip  on the  shoulder  indicates there  is  wood  higher  up."
                                                                                LANA  MARIE  COLE
                          ELIZABETH  PARK  BUTLER              "When  she  sees  a  man  in  woe,  she  walks  right  up  and  says,
                             "Mast  Papular"                   'Hello/"
                                                               4-H  1;  FHA  1 ,2;  DE  4;  CEC,  Recording  Secretary 4.
           "Clear the  halls,  here  I come."
           Girl  Scouts  1 ,2;  Student  Council  1 ,2;  Historian  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1 ,2,3,4;
           Secretary  1;  Library  Club  4;  President  4;  Class  Secretary  4;  Page   CHARLOTTE  CAMILLA  COLEMAN
           at  Baccalaureate  2;  Page  at  Graduation  3;  Cheerleader  2,4;   "Reading  is  to  the  mind  what  exercise  is  to  the  body."
           Server  at  Prom  1;  Annual  Staff  1 ,2,4,  Annual  Representative  1 ,2;   Paramedics  2;  FHA  2,3;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Secretary  4;  VOE  4,
                                                               Corresponding  Secretary 4.
           Tiger  Staff 4.
                           LINDA  LOU  CALDWELL                                KAY  GLORIA  COLSON
           "She  is  nice  by  name  and  nature."             "The  world  is  hers  who  enjoys  it."
                                                               Annual  Representative  1 ,2;  Office  Assistant  3;  VOE  4;  Tiger  Staff 4.
           FHA;  Glee  Club.
                          HARVEY  FRANK  CAMPBELL                             ALLEN  VINCENT  CORBIN
           "My  idea  of on  agreeable  person  is  one  who  agrees with  me."   "Men  of silence  ore often  the  best."
            Transfer  3;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Tiger  Stoff  4;   Beta  Club  3,.4.
            Baseball  3.
                                                                                DYESS  ROY  COUEY
                          PATRICIA  ANN  CAMPBELL              "All  his  faults  ore  such  that  one  loves  him  still  the  better  for
    ,       "Gentle  is  her manner and fair to  loolc  upon."   them."
            FTA  3;  FHA  3,4;  Paramedics 3; Tiger  Staff 3,4.   Basketball  1 ,2;  Football  2;  Steering  Committee 4.
                             BARI  LEIGH  CAPPS                                  L.  DEAN  CREWS
                             "Best Looking"                    "Submit to  the  present  evil,  lest  a  great  one  befall you."
            "Of surpassing  beauty and in  the  bloom  of youth."   FFA  2,3,4;  OCT  4.
            Tri-Hi-Y  1,2;  Latin  Club  1,2;  Homecoming  Queen  4;  rode  Home·
            coming  float  1,  Paramedics  1.                                 JOSEPH  PAUL  CROCKER
                                                               "The  whole  world seems  to  smile  upon  him."
                          RONALD  BRUCE  CARDEN                Art  Club 4.
            "Fixed  like  a  plant  on  his  particular  spot;  to  draw  nutrition,   SYLVIA  KAY  DAMPIER
            propagate,  and  rot."                             "Be  silent always when  you  doubt  your sense."
            Boy  Scouts  1 ,2;  Art  Club  3,4;  Senior  Play.   CEC  4.

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