Page 135 - chs-1968
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MYF  1,  2;  Studeut  Council  1,  2;  Spanish  Club  3,  Hidmg
                                                           Club  3;  Senior  St('(•riug  AJmrnittec;  Annual  Stair  Layout
                                                           Editor  4;  French  Club  3;  F.T.A.  t,  F.H.A.  J,  2;  Transfer
                                                                        GLOHIA JEA.' CHRISTIE
                                                           "A smile is something that adds to face val!w."
                                                           Homecoming  Parade  l;  Choru  2,  t;  Paranwdit">  2;  Ofllt'e
                                                           Assistant 3;  P.E. A\\ ard 2.
                                                                       RALPH STEVE.  CHRISTIE
                                                           "When the strong command, obedience is best "
                                                           Boy Swuts 1, 2, 3, 4;  DranM Club I; Art Club 4.
                JONATHA  WALLACE B  RGE ·s                               JAMES ROBERT COLE
       "Let us do or die."                                 "Courage  often  consists  as  much  in  refraining  to  do  as
       Band 1;  Bawball 1; Basketball 2, 3,  l.            in doing."
                                                           Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
                  JANICE ELIZABETH B  Sll
                         "Friendliest"                                CARL HA  DOLPH COLEMAJ'I.
       "With her winning smile, she conquer.s."            "Take life a  you  find it, but don't leave it so."
       Intramural  Basketball  1,  2;  Top  201  Freshman  Placement   Football  1;  Explorer  couts  1;  Band  1,  2;  Beta  Club  3,
       Tl:'st;  Paramedics  2,  3,  4;  Reporter  2,  Vice  President  3,   4;  ~tu  Alpha  Theta  3,  4,  Presidt•nt  4;  Steering  Committee
       District  President  4;  Bt•ta   lub  3,  4;  Studl:'nt  Council  3;   3,  4,  Drama  Club  3,  Jr.  Class  Play,  Chess  Club  4;  Annual
       Homecoming  Parade  3;  Call:'ndar  Girl  4;  Annual   tafT,   Stall 4; Transfer 2.
       Photo Editor 4; Tri-lli-Y 4.
                                                                         BRUCE LEE COLSON
                   HELE,  ELOISE B  TLEH                   "Don't  take  life  too  seriously;  you  will  never  get  out
       "An  Honest  girl  up  to  her  chin,  with  a  very  warm  heart   of it alive."
       within."                                             erver  Jr. - r.  Prom  1;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Track  3;  Golden
       Pammedics 3; V.O.E. 4, Treasurer 4; Transfer 4.     Helmet 3.

                  SA  DHA CHLOTILDE BYHD                                RICHARD GERALD COX
       "If OllCe defeated,  I believe in taking clumces next time."   "The great hope of Society is individual character."
                                                           Track  1,  2,  3,  4;  Cross-t'Ountry  2;  Class  play  3;  Transfer
                         GAIL CARH                         3.
       "A smile is the trademark of a lwppy person."
       Library Club 2;  tudent Council2; Tri-lli-Y 2, 4.                     MARTY  OX
                                                           "It's  nice  to  be  important,  but  it's  more  important  to  be
                        KE  CAHH                           nice."
       "The better part of one'  life consists of his frie,ulships ."   Girls'  Chorus  1,  2,  3;  Thespians  1,  2,  3;  Art  Club  1,  2,
       F.F.A. 1, 3, 4;  Band 1; 4-H 4.                     3;  Latin   lub  1;  Future   ur es  1,  2;   panish  Club  2,
                                                           3; Class Vice President 3; Jr. Class Play.
                   GEHALD STEPHE  CASE
                        "Best Dressed"                                   CAROL CRAWFORD
      "Early  to  rise,  early  to  bed  makes  a  num  healthy  but-     "Most School Spirit"
       socially dead."                                     "If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest."
       erver  Jr.- r.  Prom  1,  2;   sher   lass   ight  1;  Football   Latin   lub  1;  Girl   couts  1,  2,  3,  4,  President  3;  Vice
      2; Student  ouncil 4.                                President  of  Gateway  Council  3;   teering   ommittee  1,
                                                           2,  3,  4;  'tudent  Council  1;  Top  lOi  Freshman  Placement
                  REBECCA AHLE  E CASEY                    Test;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2;  F.T.A.  2,  3,  4,  Secretary  3,  4;  PYC
      "She has one smile for every girl, and two for every boy."   2,  3,  4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  2,  3,  4;  Annual  Representative
      Chorus 1, 2.                                         2, 3, 4;  Beta  Club 3,  4;  Treasurer 4;  ational  Honor Society
                                                           3,  4,  Vice  President  4;  Girls'  tate  3;  Cheerleader  3,  4;
                  HELE  LOUISE CASTILLO                    Chess  Club  4;  Painted  Homecoming  Tiger  4;  Voice  of
      "WhPn  God  measures  people,  he  puts  the  tape  around   Democracy Contest 3rd Place 4.
      the heart, not the head."
      Chorus 3.                                                          LI  DA GAIL  HEWS
                   HOBEHT EAHL CHAHLES                     "Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grow  ."
      "It's great to be great, but it's greater to be lwnwn."   F.H.A.  1;  Intramural  Basketball  1,  3;  Paramedics  2,  3,
      Lunchroom Worker 1;  F.F.A.  3.                      4,  ecretary  3;  B  ta   lub  3,  4;  Prom  Committee  3;  Miss
                                                            H  Contest  3;  Tennis  Intramurals  3;  Perfect  Attendance
                   ALA  LEE CHA  TEE                      3.
      "Wisdom  is  knowin£?,  when  to  speak  your  mind  and  when
      to mind your speech. '
      Top 20~ Freshman Placement Test;  Football 2.
                DEBOHAII EILEE    HELLEW
      "A good excu  e is one you can use over and over."
      Tiger StafT  1,  2;  F.T.A.  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2;  Annual  l-lepresen-
      tative 1; Art Club 4;  Homeroom Representative 1.
                  DEBOHAII  HHAE CHE  SO
      "I  would  not  bar  a  single  door  where  love  might  enter
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