Page 139 - chs-1968
P. 139

                                                             "'f1·aclu·rs don't recogrtize gcnirn whert they .see it,"
                                                           Student  Council  I;  Latin  Club  1;  T;,,ck  1,  2;  Football
                                                            1, 2, ."3,  4.
                                                                     CA, 'DA. 'CE STA.  LEY \lATH IS
                                                                            ",\! ost Ver  a tile"
                                                           "Vari1•ty is  tlw very spice of life."
                                                           Tn-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3,  President  l;  Futun•  Teacht•rs  1;  Student
                                                             ouncd  1;  Class   ight  1;  Bask ·tball  Intrarnurals  1;  Cht•er-
                                                           leader  2,  3,  4,  Captain  4;  Page  at  Baccalaureate  2;  Key
                                                           Club  Calendar  Girl  2;  Page  at  Graduation  3;  Second  Run -
                                                           nt'T-up  .\!iss  C  H   3;  Tigt·r  Staff  3;  Candidatt•  Girl's
                                                           Statt• 3; Key  Club Swedheart 4
                PRISCILLA :\10:\IC  L   'DR  \1
                        "Most Popular"                                BRuCE ALLE,  :\leCOH\IICK
       "Beauty is the pleasu;e regarded as the qu~litV of a thing."   "Success iY  the path of most persi. tence."
       Tiger Staff 1,  2,  3;  Serv!'r at  Prom  1;  Tn-H1-Y  1,  2;  Future   Track 1, 2;  Bible Club ·1.
       Teachers  1,  2;  Cheerleader  2,  4;  Usher  at  Graduation  3;
        nnual  taff 4,  ports Editor 4;  cnior Steering Committe!'.       JOA   \lcCORMICK
                                                           "There h  a lovely sparkle about her."
                      DAVID LEE L   <..
       "Say what you think about the devil, he's a hustler!"           TII0\1  S RO  ER \lt-CRAHY
       Future Farmers 1, 2, 4;  D.C.T. 4;  C.E.C.F. 4.     "Teachers  and  classrooms are  my  only  objections·  to  e(luca-
                    KATHYE JUA  ITA LAW                    Tenni  2;  Football  2,  Basketball  3;  Track  3,  4;   tud!'nt
       "Of manners so gentle, of heart so kind."           Council3; Football .\l,mager 4.
        tudent  C..ouncil  1,  Treasurer  1;  Future  Homemakers  1;
       Basketball  Intramurals  1;  Tig!'rett!'  1;  Library  Club  4,  Vice   WILLIA\1 D  LBO \leD  FFIE
       President 4;  Transfer 2.                            A ~wlo has to {all only a few inches to become a noow."
                                                           Latm Club 1;  fi'ootball  1, 2, 3, 4;  Tenms 2.
                   RHETT CLI  TO  LEARY
       "Caution is the eldest child of wisdom."                       :\IARY ELIZABETH  ~lcELROY
       Top  2<n  Freshman  Plact•ment  Test;  Boy  'couts  1,  2,  Key   "A cheerful soul lightens the hearts of others."
       Club 3,  4,  Chess Club  1;  :\In  \lpha Theta 4.   Future Homemakers 1, 2.

                       LBEHT D.  LEPPER                                    ROD McPIIER  0
       "lie  has  a  lwbit  of always  looking  on  the  srmny  side  of   "  othing cooks your goose quicker tnan a boiling temper."
       Library Club 1.
                                                                         SHIRLEY A:'\:\  MEEKS
                                                           "She  can  be  as  silent  as  the  trees,  not  very  difficult  at
                     :\IARY JEA:\ LITTLE                   all to please."
       "Charm is that extra quality that defies description."
       Futur  Teachers  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  Office   ssistant  1;   Future  Homemakers  I,  Perft•ct  ttt•ndance  2,  3,  Tiger  'taff
       Float Attendant 2; Tiger  taff3; Art Club 4;  V.O.E.  t   3;  Assistant  Busines~ :\tanager 3;  Tri-lli-Y  t,  emor  Stt•er-
                                                           ing Committee.
                   GRADY FORESTER LONG
                                                                       BARBARA A  NE \1ERKEL
       "Every inch a man."                                 "TJ~e most precious_ of all possessions is a, true, loyal friend."
       Basketball  1,  2,  3,  4;  Football  2;  Key  Club  2,  3,  4;  !lome-  Latm  Club  1,  2;  G1rf.  couts  1,  2, 3,  4,  ecretary 3,  Tri  IIi-Y
       coming  Que  n  Escort  3;  tudent  Council  4;  llomecoming   2;  Bt•ta Club 3, 4.
      Queen C-andidate Escort 4.
                                                                         RO:'\  LD G.  ~IlLLER
                  DA    Y A  'DREW LOVETT
                                                           "Let  thy  speech  be  short,  comprehending  much  in  Jew
      "It's  all  right  to  drink  like  a  fish  as  long  as  you  drink   words."
       wlwt a fish does."
                                                           D.  .T. 3, 4;  C.E.  . 3, 4.
                    JEFFHEY \IACDO:\ALD                                 BAHB \HAS  E MOBLEY
       "Arl expert is an expert only as long as he guesses right."   "We  make  a  living  by  wlwt  we  get,  but  we  nwke  a  life
       Boy  couts 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.                  by what we give."
                                                           D. E. 3, 4;  C.E.C.F. 3, 4;  D.E.C.A. 4.
                 DOHOTIIY  ,AYLE MAHKHA.\1
      "Deep in her heart joy seems to dwell."                        ARNO  D BENJA:\Ill'\ :\IOODY
      Tiger  tafT  1,  2,  3;  Annual  Reprt•sentative  1,  2,  3,  4;  Bas-  "I love them that love me."
      k •tball  1;  Beta  Club  3,  4;   sher  at  Jr.  Play  3;  D.C.T.   Band 1, 2, D.C.T. 4.
      4, Tr  asurer 4;  .E.C.F. 4;  D1strict  ecretary-Treasurer 4.
                      ROBERT MARI!AM
      "Controlled temper is the offspring of limited intelligence."
      Future Farmers 1.
                 FRA  K \IOORE MAH  HB  R. '
      "When  people  agree  with  me,  I  always  feel  that  I  must
      be wrong."
      Football2; Track 3.
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