Page 136 - chs-1968
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                                                               "His per onality and humor will make him many friends."
                                                               Student  Council  1;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Boy  Scouts  1,
                                                               2,  3;  LOS  Semmary  1,  2,  3,  4;  Class  Treasurer  2;  Class
                                                               V.  President 3;  enior Steering C'.ommittee 4.
                                                                           ERI  CEDRIC DOUGLAS
                                                               "If ?,t  fir  t  you  don't  succeed,  you're  running  about  aver-
                                                                        LEON EDWARD DOUGLASS, JR.
                                                               "Everyone is ignorant- only on different  ubjects."
                                                               Football 1,  ~ergeant at Am1s 4.
                                                                          MICHAEL STEVE D  BOSE
                                                              "Once your friend, always your friend."
                                                               Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Boy  Sc:outs  2;  Jr.  Class  Play;  Student
                  KEITH  OLO  DAMPIER                         Council 4;  Mu Alpha Theta 4.
      "The full use of today i  the best preparation for tomorrow "
      Track l.                                                             EMILY A    DURRANCE
                                                               "Good d£eds are the purest form of Prayer."
                 DEBORAH JEA  DAUGHTRY                         F.H.A.  1,  2,  3,  4,  Sweetheart  4,  Parliamentarian  4;  Usher
      "Happiness  is  a  by-product  of an  effort  to  make  someone   at Jr. Play 3; D.  .T. 4, Secretary 4.
      else happy."
      Latin  Club  1;  Library  Club  1;  Tri-H1-Y  2;  Beta  Club  3,        DEBBIE JO EMORY
      4;  Homec:oming  Parade  3,  Annual  taff,   mor  Directory   "Mighty nice, mighty wise ,fun twinkles in her eyes."
      Editor 4.                                                Para~edics 2,  3,  4;  Sergeant  at  Arms  4;  District  ecretary
                                                               4;  L1brary  Club  2;  Annual  Representative  3;  V.O.E.  4;
                FREDERICK AR  OLD DAWSEY                       Parliamentarian 4.
      "What you are is more important than what you've got."
                                                                              SUZA    E ERWI
                   WILLIA  1 ERVI  DEKLE                       "Think  twice  before  you  speak,  especially  if  you  intend
      "Why  should  I  more  knowledge  gain  when  it  only  gives   to say what you think."
      me pain?"                                                Annual  Representative  2,  4;  Student Council  3;  Paramedics
      Football!, 2, 3, 4;  F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4,  ecretary 2, 3.   3; Annual Staff 4.
                     DON  A KAY  DICK
      "Swift to hear,  low to  peak, slow to anger."                             SUSA  ESCO
                                                                                 "Best Looking"
                  EDWARD W AHREN DI  KS                        "Beauty is its own excuse for being."
      "He finds one aim in life and directs his life accordingly."   Girl  Sc:outs  1;  Student  Council  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  2,  3;  Runner
      F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Centenial3, 4, Vice President 4.      up  Miss  C.H ..  3;  Page  at  Graduation  3;  Art   lub  4,
                                                               President  4;  Key  Club  Calendar  Girl  4;  Homecoming  At-
                    GLORIA LA  E DICKS                         tendant 4.
      "Her goodness mokes the world bright."
       Latin  Club  1;  F.T.A.  1;  Paramedics  2,  3,  4,  Reporter  3,
       Secretary 4;  Student Council 2;  Tiger  taff 3;  Junior Editor     OLIVIA WYLE  E FEAGLE
       3; National Honor Society 3; Beta Club 3, 4.            "The temple of our purest thoughts is silence."
                     JAMES EARL DI  K
       "A  man's  horse  sense  d£serts  him  when  he's  feeling  his          JOE FERGUSO
       oats."                                                  "If I can't take it with me, fm not going."
       F.F.A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Chaplin 3; Football 2, 3, 4.         4-H 1; Football2; F.F.A. 3, 4.
                     LINDA JANE DICKS                                     WILLIAM EMORY FLA  AGA
       ·A  girl  who  is  happy,  a  girl  who  is  gay,  a  girl  who  is   "Success is a journey, not a d£stination."
       pleasant the livP-long day."                            Band 1, 2,  3, 4;  All  County  1;  tage  Band 2, 3, 4;  Dixieland
       Office Assistant 3, 4.                                  Band  _2;  ~panish  Club  2,  3;   ational  Honor  Society  3,
                                                               4;  Sw1mmmg  Team  2;  Scienc:e   lub  2;  Interact  Club  3;
                                                               Junior  Class  Play  3;  Math  Club  3;  Key  Club  4;  Beta  Club
                    MARY VICTORIA DI  K                        4.
                        "Most Athletic"
       "She  has  lit  a  candle  of und£rstanding  in  her  heart  that
       shall not be put out."

              ROBERT EDWARD DOBERL  TEl     JR.
       ·Take it from me- he's got the goods."   '
       Boy  Scouts  1,  2;  Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Golf  1,  2,  3,  4;
       Annual Representative l.

                   TENA EILEE  DOUBERLY
       "Silence is one art of conversation."
       Paramedics 3, 4.

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