Page 140 - chs-1968
P. 140

AROLE LY    MOORE                                   ROBERT FRED NORRIS
         "Beauty is power, a. mile is its sword."            "A little work, a little play."
        Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3,  Secretary  3;  Student  Council  1,  2,  4,   Band 1, 2.
         Secretary  2;  Top  20%  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Floor
         Show  Jr.  Sr.  Prom  1,  3;  Latin  Club  1;  Class  S  cretary     PATSY  ORRIS
         2;  Usher at  Baccalaureate  2;  Future Teachers  2;  Beta  Club   "A pocketful of sunshine is as good as gold."
         3,  4,  D1strict   ecretary  4;  Cheerleader  3,  4;  Jr.   lass   Band 1, 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2; Majorette 2, 3.
         Play  3;  Miss  CHS  4;  Class  Treasurer 4;  Girl s  tate  Alter-
         nate Delegate 4; Annual  tafT 4; Calendar Girl3, 4.              JAMES HE  RY  NORTO
                                                              "I  am  strong  as  a  bull  moose  and  you  can  use  me  to
                  WILLIAM VEAZIE MORESHEAD                    the limit."
         "An lume t heart posse  ses a kingdom."              Band  1,  2;  Future  Farmers  1,  2,  3,  4,  Vice  President  3,
         Key  Club  2;  Sci  •• ce  Club 3;  Bible  Club  4,  Vice-President   President 4;  D.C.T. 4, Treasurer 4.
                                                                         RICHARD GRAYSON ODOM
                        BILLIE JO MORGAN                      "Duty is what one expects from others."
         "Politene  sis real kindness, kindly expres ed."
         Chorus 4.                                            Boy Scouts 1, 2.
                      DO  ALD LEE MORGAN                                     ALAN DALE PARK
         "A  ilent and calm lad is he."                       "Art  is  nat  an  end  in  itself,  but  a  means  of addressing
         Future Farmers 1, 2, 3, 4; Farm Mechanics 4.         humanity."
                                                              Art Club 3, 4.
                      GRACIE LEE MORGAN                                     LI  DA DIANA PARKS
         "A good-natured girl is welcome in any company."     "She  knows  anger  is  the  wind  that  blows  out  the  light
                                                              of reason."
                     SHAWN EILEE  MURPHY                      Paramedics 3; D.C.T. 4.
         "Keep  smi~!ng;  that  makes  the  world  wonder  what  you've
         been ur to.                                                       VIOLA GAIL PARNELL
         Annua  Staff 1;  Tiger  tuff 1;  Future Teach  rs  1;  Tri-Hi-Y   "If  you  are  honest,  it  is  the  best  thing  in  the  world.  It
         1, 2; Cheerleader 2.                                 goes above intelligence."
                                                              Beta Club 3, 4; Paramedics 3; V.O.E. Club 4.
                          FAYE MURRAY
         "Gentle, innocent, and  incere."                                  DEBRA LYNN PARSONS
         Paramedics 3.                                        "Nothing is impossible for a willing heart."
                                                              Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Youth  Fellowship  1,  2,  3,  4;  Paramedics
                        DELBERT MURRAY                        3.
          "Money isn't everything- sometimes, it isn't even enough."
                                                              "Give me somewhere to stand, and I will move the earth."
                     JOH  MICHAEL MURRAY
                                                              Key  Club 3,  4;  Beta  Club 3, 4;  Student Council 3;  Baseball
          "Of the unspoken work, thou art master."
                        RORY  MAE MYERS                                     CAROL ANN PEPPER
          "Talk  she  can,  talk  she  will,  her  tongue  is  very  seldom    "Most Courteous"
          still."                                             "She is the mirror of all courtesy."
          Paramedics 1, 4.                                    Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3,  4,  Chaplain  3,  4;  Girl  Scouts  1,  2,  3,
                                                              4;  Office  Assistant  2;  Future  Teachers  3;  Homecoming
                    SETH SAMUEL  ETTLES, JR.                  Queen 4; Annual Staff 4; Faculty Director 4.
          "Being nice is a divine trait."
          Future Farmers 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4.                          LARS GUN  AR PERERS
                                                                               "Most Dignifted"
                                                              "Honor is the property of highest value."
                       VERONA KAY  NEWSOM
          "In her tongue is the law of kindness."             Foreign  Exchange  Student;  Key  Club  4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta
          Band  1,  2;  Latin  Club  1;  Top  20%  Freshman  Placement   4; Beta Club 4.
          1 est; Beta Club 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4.
                                                                              RONALD PHILLIPS
                      RONALD FARRIS NORMAN                                     "Most Versatile"
          "An upright, downright honest boy."                  "He stars as an athlete and friend."
          Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  All  State  Concert  Band  4;  Business  Mana-  Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Basketball  1,  2,  3,  4;  Letterman's
          ger 4; Boy Scouts 1;  Homecoming Art Committee 4.    Club 2;  Baseball 3, 4.

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