Page 137 - chs-1968
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       "If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy 71eople?"
       Student Council  1,  2;  Pt•p  Club  1,  2,  3, Sc<:rt•tary  2;  Speech
       Club  1,  2,  Treasurer  1;  Drama  Club  1,  2;  Class  ecretary
       1,  ational Honor Society 3; Chess Club 4.
                   JOH    EWTO  FRASER
       "The  only  way  to  get  rid  of  temptation  is  to  yield  to
       Boy  <:outs  1, 2;  Basketball 3, 4;  Mu Alpha Theta 4.
                    JAMES RICHARD FREE
       "Success comes in cans-failures in can'ts."
       Future Farmers 1, 2, 3, 4; Football3; Baseball 4.
                                                                           SALLY GRISS0\1
                     MARY ALICE FUTCH
      "When  we  die  we  leave  behind  us  all  we  have  and  take   "Lively in spirit, as fun as can be."
      with us all we are."                                  tudent  Council  1,  2,  3,  4,  Convention  Delegate  1;  Floor
      Paramedics 4;  Offi<:e Assistant 4.                  Show  at  Prom  1,  3;  Future  Teachers  1;  Latin  Club  1;
                                                           Annual  Representative  1,  2,  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  3,  4,  Historian
                                                           3, Treasurer  4;  Float  Attendant  2;  Tiger Staff 2,  3;  Annual
                   IRMA GUICE GALLOWAY
      "Calmly and peacefully she treads life's way."        taff3, 4; Cheerleader 4.
      Band  1,  2,  3,  4,   ecr  tary-Treasurer  4;  Clarinet  Trio  2,   JOHN BRUCE HAGEN
      3;  Latin  Club  1;  Future  Homemakers  1  fu  Alpha  Theta   "A  11UJn's  sack  of  patience  is  generally  tied  with  a  slip
      2,  3,  4,  Secretary  4;  Class  Historian  2;  Beta  Club  3,  4;   knot."
        ational  Honor Society 3, 4;  ecretary 4·  Chess Club 4.
                                                                         SHIRLEY ANN HALL
                                                           "A kind and gentle heart has she."
              CHARLE  E ELIZABETH GARRETT                  D. E. Club 4, Secretary 4.
      "My thoughts are my own companions."
      Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3,  4,  Vice  President  2,  3,  President  4;  Girl   JANET LEE HANSON
       couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Youth  in  Government  2,  3;  Floor  Show   "She  will  leave  no  little  things  behind,  except  loving
      at  Prom  1;  Homecoming  Attendant  4;   Iendar  Girl  4;   thoughts and kindness."
      American Field Service Committee 4.                 Future Teachers  1;  Server at  Prom  1,  2;  Annual  Represen-
                                                           tative  1,  2,  3,  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3,  Treasurer  1,  2;  Girl
                     ELLEN LOUISE GAY                      couts 1, 2; V.O.E. 4, President 4.
      "OJ disposition sweet and 11UJnner kind."
      Future Homemakers 1, 2.                                             IRIS HARRINGTO
                                                           "Dainty, petite, and very sweet."
                                                           Beta Club 3, 4.
                    LOYD EVA  GAYLORD
       "There  aren't  any  n1le  for  success  that  works  unless  you   JANICE DIANNE HARRINGTON
       do."                                                "Every  minute  you  are  angry,  you  lose  sixty  seconds  of
       Future Farmers 2.                                   happiness."
                    SCOTT ALTO  GILLEN                                   MIKE HARRINGTON
       "Everyone stamps his own value on himself."         "Society is built upon trust."
                                                           Industrial  Arts  1,  2;  Thespians  1;  Hi-Y  2;  Glee  Club  2;
       Band 1, 2.
                                                           JuruUt  Steering Committee 3.
                KENNETH LAWRE  CE GORDON
       "He is the very pine- apple of politeness."                    DEBRA FRANCE  HARRI
                                                           "All who knouJ her are her friends."
                     DEWEY DALE GOSS                       Future  Teachers  1;  Floor  Show  Prom  1;  Intermural  Bas-
      "A  li.~tle  nonsense  now  and  then  is  relished  by  the  wisest   ketball  1;  Annual  Representative  1;  Latin  Club  1;  Tri-Hi-Y
      men.                                                 1,  2,  3,  Secretary  1,  2,  Pre  ident  3;  Girl  Scouts  1;  Cheer-
                                                           leader 2,  Captain 2;  Server at Prom 2;  Page at Baccalaureate
                  PAT  Y DIA  NEGRA  GER                   2; Tiger  taff2, 3; Mu Alpha Theta 4;  Annual  tafT 4.
                    "Most Likely to  Succeed"
      "Wisdom is better than all the riches in the world."            CHARLES HENRY HARVEY
      Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  Top  10%  Freshman  Placement Test;  Latm   "One  of the  best  things  to  have  up  your  sleeve  is  a funny
      Club  1;  Intramural  Basketball  1;  Future  Teachers  2;  Mu   bone."
      Alpha  Theta  2,  3,  4;  Annual  Staff  2,  4;   hief  Editor  4;
       ational  Honor  ociety  3,  4;  Beta  Club  3,  4;  Top  10%   LOGAN HARWIN HENDERSON
       enior Placement Te  t.                              "The 11UJn who rolls up his sleeves  eldom loses his shirt."
                                                                     FRANK THOMAS HENDERSON
                 DANIEL STEPHEN GREENE
      "The wildest colts 11UJke the best horses."          "Death  is  more  universal  than  life;  everyone  dies  but  not
      Football  1,  2,  3,  4;  Letterman's  Club  2;  Track  3;  Baseball-  everyone lives."
      '·                                                  "Her  ways  are  ways  of  pleasantness,  and  all  her  paths
                                                                       VELMA LOIS HERNDON
                   MYRA  LUCILLE GREEN                    are peace."
      "Never say more than necessary."                    Future  Homemakers  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  2,  3,  4,  Vice  President
      V.O.E. Club 4.                                      4.

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