Page 143 - chs-1968
P. 143

B,\RBAHA Ar\.' VEKE:\IA                 Float  Committee  2;  Chairman  2;  Buildt•r'  Club  2;  Prom
      "Diligence i8  the Joren;•llwr of succcs.\ ."        Committt'l'  3 ;  Jr.  Stt-ering  Connmttce;  :3rd  Piau·   oit'<'  of
      V.O.E. Club.                                         D1·mocrat-y  3   Cirl's  St.lte  Alt<•rnatl'  .1;  C:lass  S!'t rl'tary
                                                           3;  Annual  Stall  .3,  i;  Sports  Editor  I;  Sr.  Steering  Commit·
                      RO.  ALD VI   0. '                   tee.
      "Somebody said it couldn't be done, and he agrt·cd."
                                                                         0.  IE 1\.ARA WILLIA.\IS
                     JOH,   Y LEE WARD                     "A man is always hetter than a hook"
       "The first humlred years are always the lwrde~t."   Tri-Hi -Y  1,  2,  3;  Girl  <:outs  1,  2,  .3,  -!;  Future  Tt•achers
       Future Farnwrs 1, 2.                                2,  3,  4;  Art  Club  I,  Reporter  -!;  Annual  Reprt•,entatiH·;
                                                           Annual  Stall  1;  Org.tnizations  Editor  I,  Kt•y  Club  Ctl<·ndar
                  CHARLES liE  RY  WARRE                   -!.
      "Wild, wreckless, and lots of Jun."
      Future Farmers 1; Guidance Club 2;  Library Club 3.           DAVID LEI\ VILLE WILLIA.\1  0
                                                           "OJ manners so gentle, of heart so kind."
      ]Oil  CURTIS WARRE  III                              TnH:k  1, 2, 3
      "Men like him are hard to come by."
                                                                    GEORGE DO,  ALl) WILLIA\ISOl\
                  E  RL E  GENE WATER  , JR.               "Most great mer1live in poverty, and I'm hroke."
      "Fun and frolic are his game."
                                                                        GLENDA GAIL WILSON
                   SHIRLEY A    WATERS                     "She is like the breeze, gentle and sweet."
      "The  happiest  person  i  the  person  who  thinks  the  most   Pa•amedics 2, 3; Chorus 3.
      ir1teresting thoughts."
      Future  Homemakers  1,  2,  3,  Reporter  1,  Pres1dent  3;  D. E.   PE  'ELOPE OLEMA WILSON
      4;  orresponding Secretary 1; D.E.C.A. 1.                            "Most Dependable"
                                                           "The Rembrandt of C  H.  S."
                      EDWARD WATT'                         Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3;  Girl  couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Float  Committee
      "If money is the root of all evil, I'll look for the roots"   2,  3,  4;  Rode  on  float  2,  4;  lntramuml  Basketball  2,  3;
                                                           Jr.  Steering  Committee  3;  Annual  Staff 3,  4;  Bonfire  .om-
                WILLIA~t TIMOTHY WATT  Ill                 mittee  3;  Prom  Committee  3;  Builder's  Club  3;  Class  ec-
      "Men of Jew words are often the best men."           retary  4;  r.  Steering  Committee  4;  Annual  tafT  4,  enior
      Library Club 4.                                      Editor  4;  Future  Teachers  4;  North  Florida  Horse  Show
                                                            ircuit 4.
                 BRETT B  LLARD WATTLES
                      "Mo  t Dependable"                               RO'\;\;IE KEITH WILSO'\
      "There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight."    "Why  tudy? It's hard for the brain."
      Latin  Club  1;  Annual  Representative  1;  Float  Committee   Football!; Future Farmers 3, 4.
      1,  2,  3,  4;  Jr.  Class  Play;  Student  Council  3;  Jr.  Steering
      Committee;  Mes enger  at  Legislature  3;  Builder's  Club  3;   CHARLE  L  THER WI 'E
      Class  Vice  President  -!,  Sr.   tee ring  Committee;  Tri-Hi-Y   "Let no woman's weapon stain my manly cheek."
      Mascot; Annual Staff 4;  Ads Editor 4.               Jr.  Class  Play;  Bonfire  Committee  3;  Prom  Committee  3;
                                                            r.  teering  Committee;  Student  Council  4;  Float  C'.ommit-
                  CHARLE  E  BRE  DA WE  T                 tee 4.
      "  one but her elf can be her parallel."
      Future llomemah~rs 1, 2.                                       MARGARET CECILIA YOL:\G
                                                           "Quietness is a desirable trait."
                   SYLVIA JEA   WILLIA~IS                  Library Club 2;  Art  lub 4.
      "Zest  is  the  secret  of all  beauty.  There  is  no  beauty  tlult
      is attractive without Zest."                                      ~lARK KI:\IBALL YO   G
      Future  Teachers  1,  2,  3,  4,  President  4;   tudent  Council   "Let the world roll along,  I'll get there later."
      1,  3;  Girl   couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Tiger  taff  1,  2,  3;   lass   Latin  Club  1;  D  ~lolay  2,  3,  4;   tudent  C'..ouneil  2;  Jr.
      Reporter  2,  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2,  3,  4;  Cheerlt•ader  2,  3,  1;   lass Play.

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