Page 142 - chs-1968
P. 142

JA. tES ALBERTS  • 'DA<.E                              FA\ E  TL  E~PHI. G
          "lie i~ able becmw1 he thi11k  he is able."          "Very quiet, vt.:ry sw<'t t  a kinder girl you'll11cver meet."
          Key  Club  3,  -1;  Beta  Club  3,  t;  ,  ational  Honor  Soc.:tdy   Chorm  1;  Girl  Scouts  I,  2,  3,  4;  Latin  Club  2,  3;  Junior
          3, :t; . lu Alpha Tht't.l -1.                       Cbssicall.t>a~ut• 2  1; Library Assistant 2;  Paranwdie' 4.
                    WILLIA~I EDWARD  A  DFR~                                HOPE ELAI.  E STOR\IS
          "Gay personolihJ with added rascality."              "A good mind posscsseli a kingdom."
          D.E.  -1.                                            Band  I,  2,  3,  4,  Dance  Band  2;  Pep  Club  2;  Girls  Athletic
                                                                ssociation  1,  2,  Scit•nt't'  Club  1,  2,  :\li,ed  Glee  Cluh
                    IX>  o\LDHAYW-\RDS-\  Dll'\               3;  Girl's  Glee  Club  3,   ation<tl  Honor  Society  3,  4;  Beta
          " I  do  ~vc rythin~ for  a  rea.\ on   mmt  of the  time  the   Club-!.
          rea  on t.  money.                                              'lSA  ELIZABETH ST  ART
          Future Farmers 1, 2, 3, -1.                          "A  radiant  smile  always  brings  warmth  to  the  human
                       DA,   E\ E"CGE:\E SI\15                Olllec Assistant 1;  Beta Club 3, -1;  V O.E. Club 4.
          '"Give the world the best you lwve "
          D.E. 4;  •. E.C. 4;  Future Farmers -1.                          BARB  RA  LaVO  E  UGGS
                                                               "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart."
                        JOII  DAVID S\IITII                    Chorus 2;  Future llonwmakers 3, Vice President 3.
          "A little  work  never  killed  a11ybody,  but  why  be  the  first
          victim?"                                                           T0:\.1\IY LEE SWEAT
                         DAVID LEO.'  ' \fiTH                  " Earnest in his work, whole hearted in his play."
          "I need no instinct  but my own."                    tudent  Council  1,  3,  4;  Annual  Representatiw  I,  2,  3;
          Future Farmers 2, 3, 4.                             Thespian  1;  Baseball  Manager  2;  Key   lub  3,  4;  Beta
                                                               Club  3,  4;  District  President  4;   ational  Honor  Society
                     REE  ALBERT  'l\EDAKER III               3;  Basketball  Manager  3;  lu  Alpha  Theta  -t,  Boy's  State
                          "Most  Intellectual"                 Altt•rnatl' Dclegatt•  I; Ba,ketball -1.
          "Knowledge  i  proud  tlwt  he  lws  teamed so  much;  wisdom
           is humble tlwt he knows no more."                           DOLGLA  PIIILLIP TA  l\E  BA  M
           Top  20'  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Key  Club  2,  .1,  4,   "The integrity of men is  to be measured by their conduct."
          Treasurer  3,  4;  B  ta  Club  3,  4;  \tu  Alpha  Theta;  .hess   Football  1,  2,  3;  Top  10%  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Latin
                                                               Club  l;  Boy  couts  1, 2,  3,  -1;  tate  ctent'('  Fair  1;  Student
                                                               Council  2,  3,  4,  Treasurer  3,  4;  Page  in  89th  C'..ongress
                        JEA  LO  ISE S  YDER                   ession  2;  Key  Club  2,  3,  4;  Corresponding  ecretary  3,
          "Silence is an as  et."                              -!;  \lu  Alpha  Theta  2,  3,  t,  Viet•  President  -1;  De\lolay
                                                               3, 4;  Boy's State -1.
                    PAMELA A:\  E HODtE '  OBEK
           "She enters the room, voice fir  t."   _   .                   PA  L FREE:\.1  Jl.  TERRELL
           Top  10%  Freshman  Placement  Test;   tudent  C'..ounctl  1;   "just being happy is a fine thing."
           Girl  couts  1,  2,  3,  4;  \tu  Alpha  Theta  2,  3,  4;  Future
           Teachers  2;  Beta  Club  3,  4;  , 'ational  Honor  ocit•ty  3,   GARY  \!AXlE THO \lAS
           4·  American  Field  Service   ommittee  3,  Junior  teenng   " He that is well paid is  well satisfield."
           Committee 3;  Jr.  Class  Play;  Chess  Club 4,  Senior  tct'ring
           Committ<'e 4; Annual  tall4.                                       JOYCE A    TICE
                                                               "Sometimes  quiet,  sometimes  shy,  but  the  rest  of the  time
                       JA\IES CLAYTO  SP  RKS                  .. . Ohmy!"
           "Boys will be boy  ."                                horus 2.
           Football  1,  2;  Future  Farmers  1,  2,  Reporter  2;  Band  1,   CH  RLE  TIMMO.  S
           2;  Pep   lub  1,  2;  Baseball  2;   kiing   lub  2;  D.  .T.  3,   "Noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed."
           4;  Honor  of  \lerit  3;  President  4;  Junior  Class  Play  3;   Future Farmers 1, 4;  D .. T. 4.
           De \tolay 4.
                                                                            MARGARET A     Tl  0
                           A  '   'PLICHAL                     '"A true smile is a thing of which Jew are capable."
          "Charm  is  a  glow  with  thi  woman  tlwt  casts  a  most  /)(•-  Future Teachers  1,  2;  Library  Club  1;  Band  1,  2,  3;  Perfect
          coming light on others."
                                                               Attendance  2;  Tri-lli-Y 2,  4;  Serg  ant  at  Arms  and  Officer
                                                               at  Large  4;  C.A.R.  2,  3,  4;  President  -1;  Tiger  Staff  3;
                    \IARY ELIZABETH SQ  ILLACE                 Beta  fub 3, 4.
          "Gladness of the heart is the life of this person."
          Latin  Club  1;  Future  Teachers  1,  2;  \lu  Alpha  Tlwta   DAVID DEL TO  TUBERVILLE
           1  2  3  4  Top  200  Freshman  Placenwnt  Test;  Band  I,   "One boy is more trouble tlum a dozen girls."
           i, :3,' 4; 'tleta  tub :3,  4; Annual  Representative 4.
                                                               Football 2.
                         A.  M":\ETTE  TA\IPER                                BRE  'DA L  E TYRE
           "She is nice by name and nature."                   "joy is neve; out of.season."
                                                               D.C.T. 4;  Vlt'e Prestdent 4.
                         FRA  K E. STEEDLEY
           "A sense of humor with plenty of sense."                      GRACE ELLE  UNDERWOOD
                                                               "Everyone Jw  a hobby, hers is boy  ."
                        DIA  A JA  E  TEVE                     Tiger  tafl1,  3;  Future  Teachers  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  3;  Cheer-
                           "Most Dignified"                    leader 2;  Office  Assistant  2;  Library  Club 3;  Future  Home
           "Elegance is .  .  . good taste plus a dash of daring."   makers 4.
           Future  Teachers  1;  Jr.-Sr.  Prom  Floor  Show  1;  Tri-Hi-Y
           1,  2,  3;  Chaplain  1,  Pre ident  2;  Officer  at  Large  3;  Beta   PA  LTRE  T  RBA
           Club  3,  4;  Candidate  Girl's  State  3;  Annual  Statf 4;  Copy   "Some come to school to play;  I come to sleep all day."
           Editor 4;  Key Club Calendar; Senior Steering Committee.   Band 1, 2, 3, 4.
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