Page 141 - chs-1968
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EDWARD LAMAR PHILPOT                                   LAURA DALE RE,  TZ
      "Fascinatmg ... e.ffortle  ... wit ... Mr.  Cool."   "She shines with Stlch luster as the tear that flows."
      Tiger  Sfaff  1,  2,  3;  Annual  Stall'  I;  Prom  Committt•c  3;   Tiger  Staff  1,  2,  3,  Future  Teachers  1,  2,  3,  4;  Tri-Hi-Y
      Jr.  Class  Play;  Hom  coming  Parade  3,  4;  Libmry  Club   1,  2;  Latin  Club  1;  Annual  Representative  l,  2,  3,  4;
      4; Art Club 4.                                      Annual  Staff  1,  2,  3,  4:  Jr.-Sr.  Prom  Server  1;   tudcnt
                                                           ounc-il  2,  3;  Homeroom  Reprcscntativ •  3,  4;   "emor
                EMILY PAULETTE PRIVEITE                   Steenng  Committee,  Superlative  Editor  4;  V.O.E.  Club;
      "Very quiet, very sweet, a kinder girl you'll never meet."   Class  ight Usht>r  1.
      Paramedics 2, 3.
                                                                     YVON  E ELAI  E RHODEN
                 JANICE YVONNE PROVEAUX                   "Nature made her what slw is and never made another."
      "A  modest  woman  is  the  most  tremendou.s  object  of the   Band  1,  2,  3,  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  4;  Majorette  2,  3,  4;  Future
      whole creation."                                    Teachers 4;  Art Club 4.
      Paramedics  1, 2;  D.E.  4;  Reporter  4;  D.E.C.A.  4;  C.E.C.F.
      4.                                                                JOHN RICHARD RING
                                                          "A boy with many talents."
                  JOHN DOYLE PUESCHELL                    Band  l, 2, 3,  4,  Vice-President 4;  DeMolay 2,  3, 4,  Science
      "It matters not how long you live, but how well."   Club 2;  Future Homemakers  Beau 4.
                 LEROY WILBUR PURDY, JR.                                 JOANNE RISSMANN
                   "Most  Likely To Succeed"              "Anything worth having is worth askingfor."
     "Determination is the key to succe s."               Studt nt  Council  1,  2;  Jr.  Beta  Club  1,  2;  Rainbow  Girls
     Student  Council  1,  2,  3,  4;  Vice  President  3;  Basketball   1,  2.  3  4:  Worthy  Adviser  2~  Girl  Scouts  1,  2;  English
     1,  2,  3,  4;  Baseball  1.  2,  3,  4;  Lettennan's  Club  2;  Key   Award  1:  Annual  Staff  2,  4;   ational  Honor  Society  3.
       lub  3,  4;  Beta  lub  3,  4;  District  Vice  Presid  nt  4,  Class   4;  Beta Club 4;   nior Steering Committ  .
      President 4.
                                                                        JUDY DIANE RIVERS
                 JOH  PALMER PURSER III                   "There is determination hidden in her quiet ways."
                       "Best Looking"
      "Here  is  a  man  to  hold  a~ainst the  world; a man  to  match   BOBBY WARREN ROBERTS
      the mountains and the sea                           "I belong to a union, my books are closed at night."
       lass  President  1,  2;  Basketball  1,  2,  3,  4;  Top  10%  Fresh-  Future  Farmers  I,  2,  3,  4;  Basketball  2;  Baseball  3;  Foot-
      man  Plac:ement  Test;  Golf 2,  3,  4;  Page  at  Baccalaureate   ball3, 4.
      2;  Tri-Hi-Y Mascot  2,  3;  Student  Council  3;  Page at Grad-
      pation 3.                                                       MARCUS SLADE ROBERT
                                                          "If I  were founding  a school,  I would first find  a  smoking-
                   MARTHA ANN RATLIFF                      room."
      "Few are her words, but wonderfully clear."         Football  1;  Future  Farmers  1;  Library   lub  4;  President
      D.C.T. 4; C.E.C.F. 4; Bible Club 4.                 4.

                   JOH  LOUI  RAWLINS                               MARY CATHERINE ROBINSON
      "Disposition is the foundation of happiness."                       "Most Intellectuaf'
      Drama   lub  1;  Chorus  2;  Annual  Representative  2;  Jr.   "Happiness is with her wherever she goes."
     Class  Play  3;  D.E.  4;  Photo   lub  4;  D.E.C.A.  4;  Annual   Girl  Scouts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Drama  Club  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,  2;
      Staff 4.                                            Top  Scorer  Freshman  Placement  Test;  Annual  Representa-
                                                          tive  1,  2;  Beta  Club  3,  4,  Secretary  4;  Jr.  Class  Play
                 WILLIA  1 GLENN REDDEN                   3.
      "Wisdom is knowing when you can't be wise."
      Band  1,  2;  Boy  Scouts  1,  2,  3,  4;  Beta  Club 3,  4;  Football   MICHAEL ALAN ROPER
      3; Track 3.                                         "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no fibs."
                                                          Key  Club 2,  3,  4;  Corresponding Secretary 4;  Homecoming
                      JUANITA REED                        Candidate Escort 4.
      "A good heart's worth gold."
      Future Homemakers 1, 2; 4-H Club 1;  Art Club 1.                CHARLOTTE MARIE ROSSI
                                                          "Silence is strength."
                  1ARY PHYLLIS REGISTER                   V.O.E. Club 4.
      "Where  there  is  an  open  mind,  there  will  always  be  a
     frontier."                                                      MYRA ANGELINE ROWELL
      D.C.T. 4;  C.E.C.F. 4.                              "A pocket full of sunshine is better than gold."
                                                          Library  Assistant  2,  3,  4;  D.E.  4;  Chorus  4;  Future  Home-
                                                          makers 4.
                  WONDA GAIL REGISTER
      "We wish there were more like you."                            WILLIAM HENRY RUSSELL
      Chorus  1,  2;  Band  1;  Wu.Jd  Georgraphy  Club  2;  D.C.T.   "All who know him, like him."
      4;  Bible Club 4; C.E.C.F. 4.                       Track 1; Football2; D.E.C.A. 4; C.E.C. 4, President 4.
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