Page 113 - chs-1969
P. 113

Entainment  Is  Provided  By  The  Chorus.

                This  school  year  IMs  proved  to  be  a  successful  one  in  the  aspect  of  expanding
               curriculum.  This  applies  particularly  to  the  n '\\  chorus  chL~ses. \lrs. Poplin and  her Boys',
               Girls', and  \fixed Chorust'S  have  performed in  several  programs for  the school  and c:ommu-
                                          FIFTH PERIOD ~UXED CIIOR  S

                       Seated, lefi  to  right:  Elin1heth  \\'illiatm, jeanette  llornc,  Rca  Averill,  jane Crawford,
                      jud~  Da~i\ ,  Ruth  Herndon,  Sman  \lar\h,  Pat  <,immom,  Cherie  Burro\\.  Second
                       ro,;,  Dl'lori'  Hu.,.,ell,  Donna  Willi:um,  Charlene  Calc),  Ho.,ie  \\'ilkim,  \laril) n
                       Brannen,  jan  Killian,  Loi'>  Fleming,  joann  Starling,  Annette  Carter,  Linda  O'Stecn.
                      Third  ro":  Danm  \\ani,  Bob  Hobert'>,  Hobin  Sa.,\o,  Da~id  "-lbritton,  Doug  Dahl-
                       beck,  Pat  llart)e, ,  Budch  \\ illiarm,  Honald  . herman,  Lee  Dick~,  Cah in  ju)k.,,
                       Da~id Price.

                                                 BOYS' CHOR

                ated,  lefl  to  right:  Daniel  Tyr~,  Tony  Wood,  DeWitt   a  on,  Bobby  Chapman,  Randy  Tillis,  Hugh
              Giebeig.  tanding:  Ronnie  Roberts,  Ralph  Dicks,  Sherwood  Dekle,  Jim  Young,  Danny  ~fcCormick,  Phil
               feint) re, Charles Lucas.

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