Page 122 - chs-1969
P. 122

OF  I  E A  ITA  T

                    Left  to  right:  .\tr~.  jud)   Hinder,  Kath)  \tood),  Kathy  DeVane,  Ka)  Brewer,  Peggy  .\tanslicld,
                    jane Jonc\, Linda Hall, jud)  \lark ham, Goldie Kerce, \Irs. Elvabcth Witt, Secrchlr).

          BIBLE CL  B

                     Left  to  right:  :'\ina  Peterson,  Allen  Witt, Patricia  Peters,  'dclie Foran,  Pam \Vare,  Leon Robimon,
                      ) h;a  Durrance,  Dann)  .\tc  onnick.  eated,  left  to  right:   u\an  \tcCormick,  Barbara  Bryant,
                     Doroth)  Phillips, Goldie Kerce,  u  an Hawkins, .\larion Walker.

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