Page 120 - chs-1969
P. 120

~1ERI  A  FIELD         RVI  E

         A.F S. Promotes

          In  tern a tiona!


           The  goal  of  the  American  Field  Service  is  to
         promote  intemational  understanding  through  the
         e\changing of students with  f(>reign  countries. This
         ye<tr  it  \\'as  Columbia  J Iigh  School's  pri\ ilege  to
          han• Glenys Philhe)  of\l)w)billa,  ustralia, to live
          in  Lal-.e  Cit\  <tnd  be a member of the class of '69.
           The  funds  that  the  A.F.S.  makes  from  various
          acti\ itie.  go  to  providing  Lal-.e  Cit)  with  an  ex-
          change studt•nt  ewr:  year. Their <lCti\ ities  for  this
          year  included  a   hristmas  p<trt)  f(>r  Glen: s  and   Officer\,  left  to  right:  Barbara  llender\on,
                                                              \  olf,  Pre~ident;   anc)  Jones,  Trea\urer;
          a Student-Facult)  l><tsketball game.
                                                              den, \'ice-pre\ident.

                 Fir., I  row,  left  to  right:  \lelinda  Harris,  Charlotte  Bedenbaugh,  Glenda  Loyd,  Beverly  Jordan,  Glenys
                 Phil  be),  Jeanie  IIanna,  Donna  Green,  :\lar}  \lcCoskey,  \I aT)   ew\om,  usan  Robinson.  econd  row:  Belen
                  arroll,  Anne  Owens,  Beh}  Bond,   nn  Ring,  1  anq  \  eaver,  Ruth  Crocker,  Judy  Markham,  and}  mith,
                   lara  Davis,   anc>  )one~,  Marianne  aunders,  Vicki  Overman,  Margaret  Amsden,  Kay  Brewer,  Rhonda
                  ubley.  Third  row:  Jane  :\lilligan,  laudia \Vheless,  usan  eely, Recie  Kennon,  usan  Cone,  Ellen  Halbrook,
                 Libba  \Volf,  Pam  Purser,  Kathy  DeVane,  Cheryl  Kelly,  :\.lelinda  Stall,  Barbara  Henderson.  Fourth  row:
                 :\taT)  Flo  ~lixson,  Jan  Kirby,  :\lary  Dean  \Villis,  Karen  Crew~,  Andrew  Munoz,  Gaines  McFadden,  Allen
                   oleman, Lana Ilill,  u  an Tannenbaum, Ann .\fcFadden,  nclra  Blackle).

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