Page 119 - chs-1969
P. 119
ront to hack, left: Ra, Snedaker, Ramh Pruitt, Tim Ca'>'>ilh,
ark Cramer, ~1;111 Be.rgmann, Carl \lli\on, Honnie Ander>O;l,
lien Coleman, Grafton Purd~, \like Brin\on, <.reg '>mith, ~llan
>at" right, George Ward, David Lane, Frank Bedenbaugh, \like
arb~ , )al·k \leek\, \like Blocker. Front to had, right: II ugh
ieheig, \like llenr~, Honald Hunter, ~lien Hile'. IIerman Dyal,
1t Lane, Bet" Bond, Bert King, park'>, Gieheig, Hoger Creamer,
IT) king, Bohh~ llou<,ton, \tare Holland, Danm Charle'>, Rick~
1rkcr, \Jr. \\ ilc,_ Hm\cll, ponsor.
"IIo" do )OU turn thi> thing on?""